CFK: "Those who want to divide us tell them not to tell me" NO STOPPING
CFK few seconds ago, in an act vsiblemente excited by the Women's Day which was developed in the field of Independent.
"I honor the women to the best of me"
"A model that I feel does not belong to a sector or an individual, but belongs to all Argentines."
"We are a government amplifier rights that were taken decades to Argentina, and also generate new and modern rights."
"I am and I will PERONIST life, I feel that way. Be Peronist means understanding its true meaning: is to see that everyone has to join, all you want to be in a better country, a happy home. hizzo is what Perón in 45 : opening its arms to all who would participate in that quest. We at the Bicentennial, we need to republish this quest: to bring more Argentine our political space. Every defeat of the masses, was when they managed to divide and confront. When narrow and sectarian interests fought us. "
" All we want to divide (not many but they are powerful) that NOT HAVE ME. YO NO VINE A SPLIT, OR ANYONE SEPRA NI ACOMBATIR . I CAME TO FIGHT THE income inequality, injustice. But do not expect to lift a hand against any Argentine. On behalf of him, who had rushed into the fight without measuring costs, I must say that we are more united than ever because that is our strength to further the model of inclusion and liberation. "
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