I have had family events and I still have a bit away from the computer, I beg your pardon.
Occasionally I think that news like that, you also have to publish, at least to draw a smile on the lips of those who read, not all bad news going to be crimes, robberies, etc. crisis. we can cause stomach ulcers.
At the school where my grandchildren will do an hour of prayer, she read a passage from the Gospel, discuss and ask children to explain what they have understood that Jesus meant in that passage, it's up Monday that hour of prayer in the class or granddaughter, well that Monday touched the passage where Jesus tells his disciples, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and the caller will be opened. ... "Over the commentary the director said" Who wants to tell us that Jesus said in this gospel? "He got my granddaughter and said more or less this way. "Jesus tells us to ask God for what we believe is best for us, but God gives us what we ask, give us what he knows we need, eg mother becomes pregnant and I come to ask God a sister, then no! It has been a brother that is what suits the family because we want I very much and so much fun with it, "a boy stood up and said," Elena, you too should, because that will not argue with him because you removed the makeup and do my sisters all day pulling the hairs .- "The laughter was unanimous.
As a finale, just say that it told me my daughter who is a professor at the college and that she was the director comment and I will comment to you dear reader, because I find it funny and I have the illusion that your lips will draw a smile.
Until another day, God willing
Posted in XXI Century, Hispanics, and SPAIN STAR DIGITAL LIBERAL
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