Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Diaper Punishment For My Daughter

Beware political graft and compromises

What we see in the Legislative Assembly is an effort to maintain the "Status Quo" at the expense of strengthening democracy requires and needs these people. I believe we need to focus on demand to the Members to comply with the mandate in resolution of the Supreme Court. No half measures, no shenanigans, no obscure compromise.

I'm not against these people driving initiatives and aims to promote, but we should respect a certain order of priorities, in order not to drown in the sterility of the variability in which we tend to fall as a society. This fragmentation of effort often prevents us as a people, we are strong and that we show to the lords and ladies of the policy, with the strength and commitment required.

In that sense, we should look at first instance, those struggles and claims to show feasibility in implementation and also take advantage of the joint to carry them out.

That would mean from my perspective, we should put our struggles and efforts to require open lists to the Legislature. Is that the transport issue is important, but not waste powder in zope compatriots, there is already an "agreement" to maintain the disorder.

Note that in this open lists are putting stupid excuses, mental inconsistencies and "Legalese," not to bring real reform to this town. One of the main drivers of this discourse is the deputy sterile Ponce, who has mandated that his party will take care of your seat to many of his party cronies.

countrymen's focus, voting in a photograph, that the people can choose their favorites no matter the party to which it belongs and the disappearance of the flag as a screening device.

Funes ask advice from former presidents

included in this group is Tony Saca, and this is and will the door policy, which seek to introduce and involve the public arena, again a squat, Bachelor Saca.

compatriots not get lost, that's what it pursues and seeks to President Funes and his friends. If you sharpen the senses, will see inconsistencies between what is intended with this initiative Advisory Council and political reality. And if not, how explain the limited relations between Funes ARENA, also, do not forget megalomania of our beloved president Funes and his aversion to the councils.



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