How To Put Up A Corrugated Iron Fence
journal Editorial Nueva Provincia of Bahia Blanca :
Al holiday next Friday to celebrate the Day of the Guerrilla, must precede a class tomorrow allusive in public schools. The topic will be something like: "Campora was good because it increased the wages of the workers and fighting imperialism and the oligarchy. But the military appeared that it was wrong and decided, at the expense of the heroic and the people Montoneros in general, to perpetrate a genocide. " Thus, in the eyes of children steeped in Harry Potter, will appear and Democrats who sought to install a Marxist dictatorship. Hannah Arendt describing the origins of Nazism and Stalinism Soljenitzyn remembering and, more recently, Milan Kundera recounts this kind of simplifications, by which totalitarian systems impose the "one doctrine." Durísimo, right?
Amazing how simple it can be to communicate with people and have them understand a certain topic, you made my day.
Iron Fences
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