Sunday, March 13, 2011

Are Jockstraps Good For The Penis?

Kirchnerism triumph in Catamarca

Kirchner's candidate for governor of Catamarca, Corpacci Lucia, won tonight's first year's provincial election in a historic vote, because it allowed him to snatch the district PJ Civic and Social Front after 20 years in power. counted for 93 percent of the tables (656 of 706) qualified for the election, Corpacci obtained a difference of 6,327 votes over the smarmy Eduardo Brizuela del Moral and imposed with 48.32 percent against 44.51 percent .
Kirchner's candidate accessions scored 80,304 votes compared to 73,977 made by the current President. In the third place match first appeared Catamarca (Federal Peronism) that ran for Liliana Barrionuevo, sister union leader Luis Barrionuevo , with 3,799 votes, while then placed South Project, 1879, and Workers Party, 1781.
The "irreversible trend" of the first polls in the country made it clear that radicalism, represented by the Civic Front, must leave the government in December after 20 years Catamarca, and Corpacci will become the first female governor women in provincial history. So Catamarca power will be taken back by the PJ, who lost when 1991 following the murder of the teenager Maria Soledad Morales , then-President Carlos Menem and traveled the country speaking Ramon Saadi mandate.
past 23, Brizuela del Moral conceded defeat in a brief conversation with a local newspaper. Before 22, hundreds of supporters of the medical Corpacci Kirchner, who was lieutenant governor Brizuela del Moral, began celebrating in front of the governor what is already considered a victory, with slogans in favor of the "reelection" of President Cristina Fernández and in memory of her husband and predecessor, Nestor Kirchner .
Shortly after their own candidate held a press conference by ensuring that the trend in his favor was "irreversible" and stressing that it was " commended" by the president Cristina Fernandez, who also "won", he said, with this result.
The provincial government supporters left the capital's central square and gave way to exultant Kirchner who celebrated in front of Government House. Kirchner's victory, although he had begun to creep in recent days, weeks ago was unthinkable, and dislocated left several of the most important leaders of the radicalism that came to this province with the expectation of usufruct what had been a Radical victory in the first election of the year. The
concerning the UCR who were here tonight were Vice President Julio Cobos , presidential candidate Ernesto Sanz , the president of the UCR, Angel Rozas, and the national deputy Ricardo Gil Lavedra.
kirchnernismo the side of the most relevant figure who came to the province was the governor of Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey, cousin of Corpacci mate, Dalmacio Mera. It also transpired that he was en route to the province's Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo.
The differences between the major candidates made clear in the campaign when he tried provincializing Brizuela del Moral choice while he insisted Corpacci show as "the School of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner.
Over 252 000 Catamarca were now eligible to vote for governor and vice, in addition to 21 members, eight senators and 36 provincial mayors. For these elections, the Civic and Social Front presented the third Brizuela del Moral candidacy for governor, as this is one of the three provinces that allow indefinite re-election in a formula that completed the mayor of the capital, Ricardo Guzman. The radical pairing also led to another colleague as a candidate the mayor of the capital, the mayor Luis Fadel. The Front for Victory ran to near the national deputy Corpacci Dalmacio Mera, while the businessman and former legislator Khalil Raúl was nominated for the mayor's office in the capital and the most recent data was proving a winner.


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