emotional. Political emotionally. CFK, the keynote speaker, of course, explicitly opened one of the three points on which he settled his speech (NK honor, the role of youth and building a face to October inclusive). "I want to tell you all this evening, here in Hurricane, is the President of the Republic, is the companion of all of you. And I ask all fellow and all that this act, in this March 11, is in memory and in tribute to my mate who was a lifetime. " Pum! Direct. No political complexity in those words, but there is a sensitive and symbolic Claymore electrified Incandescent further a field in a state of boiling: Youth huge majority in the 80 thousand people who packed the stadium located in Parque Patricio, responds with a standing ovation.
So there is this political subject who joined Kirchnerism (symbolically seduced and coldly from the palpable excitement of the daily numbers of "people" rooted in the project by the real potential to make significant contributions) to add vitality , criticism, fidelity, construction of counter-hegemonic ways, ideas and political praxis built in real time, set parameters regarding model and addressed fundamental to the maintenance, enhancement and deepening of the national project started May 25, 2003, there is then the Youth: enraptured by the symbolic reinforcement of their identity from the words of the President.
That is a certainty popular iconic, conceptual and programmatic Kirchnerism and is also a true picture of this historical time Youth Association, Movimiento Evita and La Campora share space in a harmony that overcomes, retaining its nuances. The heterogeneity is catalyzed by a project that includes driving and the challenges and demands leadership. So, claps and cheers emotional reflection and at the same time, it shares the confidence that the significance of that act and the massive presence is a statement: CFK is the nominee (no matter when and how to announce it), the guarantor and driving the model, the Youth is a the main breadwinner and should be involved in ensuring continuity and depth from the emergence and consolidation of political and technical cadres to express kirchnerismo beyond 2015.
Youth is that it is (or should be) more than the stamina and Néstornauta, the culture war and social networks. Better: it's all there (which is little) and is also political density. That pushes to the margins to the bureaucrats, managed of "kiosks polirubros" and irremediable autonomy (some late Kirchner, other electoral supporters to pancakes), but that in turn generates empathy popular and inclusive forms of construction, exceeding, in line with the collective model of growth with social inclusion. Youth knows (or should know) that these forms of construction are paramount after a hypothetical triumph of CFK in October. Because if some actors from Argentina's political life (although not just politicians) are already weaving their own project by 2015 and even now think in 2013 (half a second term course without re-election) as the stage chaos, political animal that extra dimension that is CFK, knows and works accordingly to generate a map that led political transpired yesterday and huddled in the stands: all they have to go out drinking a successor, this time genetically molded historical and electorally powerful to ensure a vertical arrangement.
But 2015 seems to be far away (though not in) and the images, colors and smells on Friday are still very fresh, before immersing themselves in the great history books.
The staging gives almost dreamlike paintings: in the smoke of the flares, crossed by the rays of colored light coming out from stage, one of the zepeling across the sky is printed face Kirchner. Stencil is a vivid, half smile and the eye of former President estrávico seem a wink of an act intimately linked to that of last year, same date and for the same reason, held in Ferro. Cristina says: "On 11 March a year ago, I was not here, had gone to Chile (...) when I came back and we (with Kirchner) the next day, he told me that act of March 11 I said it was a different event, that day had begun to rebuild ties, neighborhood, vicinity. Then I live in the Bicentennial that memorable May 25. (...) And I think his last act of service was also that 27 October when suddenly discover how many things he had done and how little they had known. Excuse me, but I have to say, I'll break your heart if you do not say. "Ovation and new order:" Cristina's reelection. " CFK
the act closes by thanking on behalf of their children (Max and Florence which were tightened in the popular). Peronist march sounds and, then, thunders "Lost Toys" of the Round. There, in that conjunction, lies one of the successes of Kirchnerism: the construction of a narrative, the reappraisal of symbols, seduction from ideology and culture and folk art. All that was inherently linked to Kirchnerism because young people, the main owners of the works of artists, songs unravel in political terms and the enemy is no longer the President, because the policy reverted to the hand and is again, a tool for transformation, and the artists who own some of their works, route the power of his works for themselves, realize and make it explicit, they feel identified and included.
is the case Redonditos Ricotta: the complexity of his lyrics, the beauty of the metric musical, revolving and the density of its contents are similar to the Kirchner government period. Eight years full of complexity, which were burning debate changes and milestones mastics beauty plethoric policy because, ultimately, are years of inclusion, restoration, expansion and creation of rights, dignity and sovereignty. For that and more, Youth Hurricane shook.
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