Monday, February 28, 2011

Kates Playground Kates Name

The Decadence of capitalism

Many may not agree with this analysis, but facts and figures support our thesis. Many years ago I anticipated and Karl Marx explained scientifically. The collapse of global financial system is clearly the announcement of the death throes of the empire.

recession, serious economic problems, unemployment and depression in the United States began five years ago, began in 1965, ie in the second half of the decade sixties. Indicators and figures that date so indicated.

1. Exports, imports and large-scale production and competitive ability of USA started to decline since 1965 in relation to European countries and Japan. Numbers reflect an irrefutable fact: the cost of labor per unit of output rose from 14.5% in the United States, while declining in other countries, especially France and Germany.

2.The Central Bank, the Federal Reserve indicates that from 1964 to 1969 U.S. imports increased 80% and exports only 30% resulting in mid-1969, for the first time in U.S. history, a deficit in its trade balance.

3. In 1968 the cost of living surpassed the record of 1951. Today is superior.

4. In September 1969, unemployment had its strongest rise since 1960, the year of downturn. At present the unemployment exceeds 10%. In the big Detroit car factories have laid off thousands of employees.

5. The global financial meltdown, a situation not accepted by the capitalists themselves, since it would be tantamount to accepting the system unworkable, has caused the world economy as a whole also entered a contraction phase, only data from the World Trade Organization indicate that the global GDP industrialized countries than among 1950.1968 had grown at an average rate of 5%, only grew by 3% in recent years.

As noted in spite of the cold numbers, the same statistics managed by global financial institutions, most of the apologists of capitalism, economists and sociologists in Latin America have only accepted the existence of depression until about four years, when the United States government had to financially assist the banks and the automotive industry, basically. The low popularity of President Obama to be found in these records, since the millions of people complain that their taxes helped to buoy the financial system and large industries.

Despite the severe recession and the total failure of the neoliberal model and even of the Washington consensus, in most conferences very little is spoken on the subject and deliberately ignored the causes of depression. The reason for this attitude is, in essence, a strong ideological bias generated through the long years that the Keynesian theory retained the rank of a dominant theory.

In practical terms the essential postulate of Keynesian theory is as follows: after the 1930 depression in the United States Capitalism has learned to control their cycles and neutralize their effects, ie cyclic behavior has stopped forever, has entered a phase post cyclic eternal. This postulate became the basis of a whole series of misconceptions about the world capitalist system and thus, to misinterpretation of the Latin American reality. The World Bank and the World Financial Bank to recommend the reduction of social spending, increased taxes and reduced government bureaucracy, have been totally wrong paths to the countries of the new continent.

Philosophical Dictionary already clearly stated in the logic relations in any case it does not hurt that misconceptions about the world capitalist system can be summarized in the following thesis: the American capital is increasingly international, it invades every pore of national economies and turns in its appendices. Conclusion: the U.S. tend to increase and consolidate its hegemony over the world capitalist system. It is not capricious meddling in social crisis and political situation in several countries of the Arab culture, not a dispute over the world market with China.

turn, misperceptions about Latin America that are derived from the above thesis can be summarized well: the increasing penetration of U.S. capitalism in Latin America (Simon Bolivar anticipated) is removing the economic possibilities of a national capitalist development. The increase in U.S. global hegemony in this region is manifested in the phasing out of the political possibilities of a national state development in an increasingly intense control over the ruling classes and the growing repression of the dominated classes. Conclusion: Latin American countries tend to phase out any possibility of democratic and national. Examples of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia are uplifting. So the hatred of hawks Washington and the constant moves and attacks on progressive and revolutionary governments in those countries.

The U.S. recession will not end soon: its own contradictions and determine it. Economists and Marxist scholars suggest that depression was a reminder that linear extrapolations of the phases of prosperity are contradicted by the advent of the phases of depression, and that the linear extrapolation in this period was the effect sought ideological domination theory of capitalism without cycles of capitalism "post-cycling" of capitalism in eternal progress and linear expansion. Depression has come to show once again that the only valid prospective story is one that is based on the cyclical nature of social processes.


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