Monday, February 28, 2011

Chicco Replacement Parts

not leave my amazement, this country has every character stealing camera or you believe it. The more folk, more court give the media. Therefore, it is quickly blooming from the bottom of our "idiosyncrasies" characters as: The Tenchis, Will Salgado, Catalino Miranda and even D'Aubuisson.

The problem is not to flourish, let's be clear about a pod, this country folk expressions must accommodate them and if it is in our possibilities, we support with all authorities. But that, to believe bayuncada apricots and how much they can think of to say to the folk, that fellow is another ten dollars.

In previous articles I suggested to the authorities that the first step in solving this mess of public transport of passengers is enforcing the law. Plain and simple, that what is written will be put into practice. You know the fellow that is regulated existence and requirement of a driving license for passenger transport, both for the driver to the collector. Y "N'Diaye" then?

Apparently there was receptivity to citizen outcry from Saturday have authorities started reviewing the documentation on "rule" of motorists and all who had not, he has been left out of circulation.

For their part, employers are cautioned to all drivers that anyone who did not have their documents in transit rule failed to present a route to work, because they knew - a breath - that would come the authority to conduct a review "surprise." Now is that a claim comes to light, means that employers know when one of its riders going out without their documents in order. Genaro Ramirez did not say that they as owners the clunkers they were given no consideration.

Parallel to this parade of wolves in sheep's clothing that we see, one of the folk made its appearance on national television. And as you say that ignorance is bold, Mr. Catalino Miranda gave us a couple of concepts that I share with you:

"The license is not the one driving, the motorist, that's just paper itself. " Soon he forgot to say "chuco", but look compatriot, which is awesome aware of the importance that employers give legality.

"This is a car chase we do as a guild, the fact of having no driver's license is not because they can not manage, many have been seized by the violations. " Catalino must learn that part of good leadership is knowing the rules and traffic laws, but above all, comply.

"Nobody in their right mind is going to be exposed to being killed." Soon he forgot to say to Catherine, but between the lines reads: These single bolus or "drugs" can perform the job.

"You can not judge an entire guild for these little things that happen, just imagine, what outside the church if they had closed all Catholic parishes for pedophile priests. " I love these paragons absurd, is not always convenient mesclar the bait with butter, tell Catalino, please!

"The public transportation riders are heroes." I wonder what Catalino mean by hero.

you will realize these seeds of knowledge and wisdom, this Catalino's "own" that made him a psychological evaluation and perhaps even psychiatric. A the "Peanut Vendor", you will not have gone druggie? Leaving

Catalino rest to folk, I say to you fellow, with a little force to make the authorities can bring calm to the population.

hope that this effort is ongoing and no blaze of gophers, we do not want the government to be pressured by these savages and merchants of death. In this country everybody should obey the law.

recommend that for the upcoming inspections, we hope that they are carried out with the most secret burial, as the "surprise" would have been more rewarding for the people if the routes do not blow had come that would come to sound out the authority.


Kates Playground Kates Name

The Decadence of capitalism

Many may not agree with this analysis, but facts and figures support our thesis. Many years ago I anticipated and Karl Marx explained scientifically. The collapse of global financial system is clearly the announcement of the death throes of the empire.

recession, serious economic problems, unemployment and depression in the United States began five years ago, began in 1965, ie in the second half of the decade sixties. Indicators and figures that date so indicated.

1. Exports, imports and large-scale production and competitive ability of USA started to decline since 1965 in relation to European countries and Japan. Numbers reflect an irrefutable fact: the cost of labor per unit of output rose from 14.5% in the United States, while declining in other countries, especially France and Germany.

2.The Central Bank, the Federal Reserve indicates that from 1964 to 1969 U.S. imports increased 80% and exports only 30% resulting in mid-1969, for the first time in U.S. history, a deficit in its trade balance.

3. In 1968 the cost of living surpassed the record of 1951. Today is superior.

4. In September 1969, unemployment had its strongest rise since 1960, the year of downturn. At present the unemployment exceeds 10%. In the big Detroit car factories have laid off thousands of employees.

5. The global financial meltdown, a situation not accepted by the capitalists themselves, since it would be tantamount to accepting the system unworkable, has caused the world economy as a whole also entered a contraction phase, only data from the World Trade Organization indicate that the global GDP industrialized countries than among 1950.1968 had grown at an average rate of 5%, only grew by 3% in recent years.

As noted in spite of the cold numbers, the same statistics managed by global financial institutions, most of the apologists of capitalism, economists and sociologists in Latin America have only accepted the existence of depression until about four years, when the United States government had to financially assist the banks and the automotive industry, basically. The low popularity of President Obama to be found in these records, since the millions of people complain that their taxes helped to buoy the financial system and large industries.

Despite the severe recession and the total failure of the neoliberal model and even of the Washington consensus, in most conferences very little is spoken on the subject and deliberately ignored the causes of depression. The reason for this attitude is, in essence, a strong ideological bias generated through the long years that the Keynesian theory retained the rank of a dominant theory.

In practical terms the essential postulate of Keynesian theory is as follows: after the 1930 depression in the United States Capitalism has learned to control their cycles and neutralize their effects, ie cyclic behavior has stopped forever, has entered a phase post cyclic eternal. This postulate became the basis of a whole series of misconceptions about the world capitalist system and thus, to misinterpretation of the Latin American reality. The World Bank and the World Financial Bank to recommend the reduction of social spending, increased taxes and reduced government bureaucracy, have been totally wrong paths to the countries of the new continent.

Philosophical Dictionary already clearly stated in the logic relations in any case it does not hurt that misconceptions about the world capitalist system can be summarized in the following thesis: the American capital is increasingly international, it invades every pore of national economies and turns in its appendices. Conclusion: the U.S. tend to increase and consolidate its hegemony over the world capitalist system. It is not capricious meddling in social crisis and political situation in several countries of the Arab culture, not a dispute over the world market with China.

turn, misperceptions about Latin America that are derived from the above thesis can be summarized well: the increasing penetration of U.S. capitalism in Latin America (Simon Bolivar anticipated) is removing the economic possibilities of a national capitalist development. The increase in U.S. global hegemony in this region is manifested in the phasing out of the political possibilities of a national state development in an increasingly intense control over the ruling classes and the growing repression of the dominated classes. Conclusion: Latin American countries tend to phase out any possibility of democratic and national. Examples of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia are uplifting. So the hatred of hawks Washington and the constant moves and attacks on progressive and revolutionary governments in those countries.

The U.S. recession will not end soon: its own contradictions and determine it. Economists and Marxist scholars suggest that depression was a reminder that linear extrapolations of the phases of prosperity are contradicted by the advent of the phases of depression, and that the linear extrapolation in this period was the effect sought ideological domination theory of capitalism without cycles of capitalism "post-cycling" of capitalism in eternal progress and linear expansion. Depression has come to show once again that the only valid prospective story is one that is based on the cyclical nature of social processes.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wooden Stock For 10-22

Mr. Bolaños

Toni Bolaño is unfortunate in the reason of the current month on 9 February that generates no enthusiasm People in the agreement on pensions by which we must work more and charge less, says this agreement is necessary and positive and gives as evidence that pressure on our debt has been downgraded, it also makes the following statement: "charge least some, but charge all "

sorry to disagree with Mr. Bolaños, it is true that Germany and France have made such cuts and the cuts that are making our government may not order Merkel, but I seems that at least our Chairman suggested and diligently serving suggestions, perhaps to be forgiven so-called "failed" but Spain has characteristics different from those of Germany and France.

Mr. Bolaño, which extend the retirement age, even if they generate enthusiasm, it is logical, because life expectancy also continues happily, but how do you intend to generate enthusiasm which pensions are lower when in Andalusia, for example distract from the common fund of EUR 700 million for early retirement to the family, friends, affiliates and related to the socialist party? 700 million which equals 166.38 116.466 million pesetas, which has to be said in some quarters to realize the magnitude of the operation. Do not think dear reader that the Junta de Andalucia 7 Children governed by Ecija and its president is José María Tempranillo.

Mr. Bolaño, I think it is very difficult to be enthusiastic, or even understand the need to lower pensions for current and future pensioners, when witnessing a blatant and excessive waste by our politicians, especially governors. Why not take away the bonus for Members to work? Do they think that we have chosen to take a nap in parliament? This bonus is in the form of diets Why not privatize or eliminate regional television, which cost us so much money? Why not just once with grants the movies, which are double what they collect at the box office, and that live cejistas your job? And unions Why not just a fucking time with this economic cancer? Why not put a box on the tax return to help unions and anyone who wants to fill in that box? And what about the many NGOs and businesses that serve only to put family and party members? And the embassies of the regional administrations? While the government continues to squander the money of all in ... that you think, its decisions, even when necessary, are not understood and certainly not generate enthusiasm.
Mr. Bolaño, you said that "charge less, certainly, but charge all" does not think so, keep in mind that many will not be quoted by not having a job, others have worked if not will have done enough time and if they charge there must be a pittance, they may have enough to pay the subway ticket that allows them to go to a high Caritas.

Until another day, God willing

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Effects Of Alcohol For Cystic Fibrosis

not fall into bad habits and anxieties of others

What these "Motorola" criminals confined largely to ensure full implementation of existing traffic laws in the country. Any other initiative that seeks to promote, without considering the above, we observe with suspicion, distrust and, if possible, not considered in the short or medium term. First things first and this is time to clean the house and rely solely on what the matate, so let's not balls.

I assure
fellow no effort to continue piling ineffective laws and regulations, we will carry it to fruition in this that people need to shout. Without being a prophet, I raised some ideas and tricks of the past efforts to develop anxieties sweat most others.

make an effort and see if we need more laws:

In this country it is legal to drive without proper authorization valid? I mean, driver's license appropriate for the motor you intend to handle. The answer is NO, is a resounding NO.

Is it legal to drive as alienated from the streets of the El Salvador, disregarding traffic signal displayed much in the way, disregarding the speed limits? The answer is NO.

Is it legal in this country driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs? The answer will remain NO.

In this country it is legal to drive while talking on a cell phone? The answer is NO, the worst is that many bus drivers in addition to the distraction of cell phone, send all to loud music.

no legislation in this country force, so that vehicles should be reviewed at regular intervals. So I do not understand how it circulates so much junk and not just public transport, if not, junk in general. Nor do I mean, how much coffee that circulates soot spewing left and right.

fellow Apparently, there are laws to stop this mess we now endure, the question half a melon - and I remembered that we thought was dead and say they have seen in Nicaragua - why have all these laws and regulations are not put into practice?

More than one official will be excused by the lack of staff or lack of resources, to control both criminal who put the owners of the bus, behind the wheel.

argument more than any official who spend talking on cell phones - yes, I mean the police - are not experts to diagnose whether a tire is in poor condition, and to brand him as a melon, this is another type of melon, to lowercase. Say that they do not have the "expertise" - as they like that word to the cuilios - to see if they are missing the bus cans.

If our brand new body traffic police action or inaction, can not control a "Motorola" in all these peccadilloes detailed above, will be able to identify the correct enforcement of a policy with coverage for third party involvement. Speaking of which, coverage for damage to third parties is not compensation for any damage to any passenger, fly with it, there are many rubbing their hands and pretending that all those anxieties sudemos others.

But look, this flew in the traffic that the PNC is pacho eye can have many origins and inspecciónemelos:

1. Les worth a shit the authority of the traffic police.

2. The union of bus drivers will have you bought the agents and perhaps, in exchange for a few pesos, "cuilios" are made pacho eye. This action made the guys, it means grief and pain of the families in El Salvador. Concordant with this is that women police officers have been doing this work, hopefully less corruptible.

Finally, others are rubbing their hands are those who mistakenly think nationalizing the feasibility of public transportation, whether buses are bringing baskets and are Brazilian, according to them at an exorbitant profit after the government management.

Let's be practical fellow, what is required is that the police and the police get to work with all the powers, which go on the street and not tempt planchette, must apply the law as it stands. Of course, the police element being shown asking for bribes or that is made of bread, which not only dismissed him, send him to a couple on holiday in Miami - Mariona, then.

subsidy do not speak, because that is an injustice and a prize for corruption. The bus drivers do not like it and that does not conform to provide good service, because to recess and engaged in other pursuits. No more Genaros and Lovos in this country!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good Pipe Bender To Make A Dune Buggy Frame

What president said, subsidy or suicide? Presidential statements and speeches

is difficult to initiate this review and translate the ideas, without the discomfort and powerlessness emerge, however, will make sure that they do not clouds my vision and I can share with you some insights and contexts that we must put perepctiva.

is not the first opportunity that the Kafirs of the wheel will take lives of the Salvadoran people, not the first time the number of lives taken away generated outrage across the national and international community is not the first time I see a bus drivers' representatives argue that we are doing a favor to transport us in these clunkers and is not the first time that the owners of the buses promise to improve service and renew these old fogies Nor is the first time that a spoiled Buser dares to defy the whole country, saying he was going and that the dead are not the responsibility of his guild.

Hopefully I'm wrong with this, is not the first time that people forget so much death in the streets for lack of control.

But this pile of situations lacking a chonga and the same, I'm going to prepare, through an anecdote I heard one of these days in a clinical laboratory is my vilified capital.

turns out that the crisis has affected many clinical laboratories are no exception, and this server by stopping the ears heard the following conversation.

Technical Rosita: Mira Jorge and we did the little business to make the doping of the path X?

Technical Jorge: Nomb'e you, Don Juan could not make the directors of the cooperative authorized to perform the review to motorists.
Rosita: And what excuse they given? Too expensive or have no clue?

Technical Jorge: Noomb'e Rosita says Don Juan who told him that they know their riders only "enmariguanados, bowling or Encocado" handle.

Technical Rosita: do not believe you have been told that to Don Juan, what a shameless, what scoundrels, those should punish those employers you.

Technical Jorge: See Rosita, when Don Juan says that he was told that this is the only way motorists throw the spin at the nail to "manage", imagine he said, who will want to deal with in their right mind to income required by the gangs, the bites of the oath and operated from the neurosis owners to collectors.

I ask to you fellow, do you think is honestly the thinking of these evil businessmen? Think you know the coyol we put each user each time we address these rickety artifacts? Who are called to seek peace of mind when boarding a bus?

A cost of our lives are making money and to make matters worse, always find ways to bend the hand, arm and anything else that you imagine you tataratas governments and without character.

But look at the beauty of this, look beautiful and become opportunistic politicians. Now argue that what we suffer is a problem of lawlessness.

We noted a number of them and they almost mourn beside the coffins and sleeve, laws that seek electoral gains. Enough, no fair play with the suffering and grief of the people.

This is not a problem of lack of legislation, who have been told that, we are witnessing a clear failure when applying existing ones.

How can a driver accumulates infringements of around eight thousand dollars?, How is it possible that the bus owners dare to put our lives in the hands of these savages?

But the crown jewel of fellow, knowing all this and I assure you that the government knows, our brand new officials dare to give a subsidy to these savages, that we discussed a suicide every time we got these sh ***.
Let's be clear in a pod, if you try you can die knowing that any action against you, that is and is called suicide.


Clips Of Monica Racaforte

is interesting to hear the speeches and statements by the president of the republic, not only in El Salvador, but many countries world, especially when dark clouds hover over their crowns, since this also come the last monarchs of Europe, Asia and Africa. The examples are obvious and is due to interference by outside interests, but also to the discontent and anger contained for many years by millions of people tired of the corruption, waste and the glitzy life of many of these big shots of international politics.

In any case we would like to refer to terrorism grammar, the careful inquisition of the errors of the delivery of speeches, their hesitation oratorios. As the lack or inadequacy of language is often the babble, the constant eh, eh, eh, or those not so frequent pauses to demonstrate prudence, caution or simple link to the next sentence or phrase, but for lack of resources if you prefer , intellectuals. There are leaders who tend to speak in lengthy paragraphs, lines 20 to 25 breaths without a couple of commas. They are also full of incidental explanatory sentences diluted force without them would be the main thought. Finally, the frequent expressions damaging misuse of prepositions, teaches grammar as such, they "reveal that the regime or relationship to each other have two words or terms."

Indeed, the correlation of number also have their rules of grammar and according to them we must agree that "the frequent misuse of prepositions, grammatically singular agent can not infer a damage plural" terms ", as it seems hint at the verb "harm" is constantly used by politicians. Since then, deputies are the biggest terrorists of language. When you say "I differ with most of the colleagues who have spoken", nobody knows if they wanted to say "I agree with" because it differs "from." Also, when you say the "graduates in schools" comes the question of whether they would not say the "admitted" in schools. It is useless to "... reflect on the human spirit ..." And do not say this phrase: "... I am pleased to receive the strong presence here.

are so many kits that combine many speeches have to do with your point underlined small capitals to highlight the absurdities of every kind committed by the "honorable" members "and the presidents of the other organs of state. But surveillance also has some grammatical analytical claims. Of the crutch presidential leads routinely to initiate multiple calls with endless variations of the verb think ("new and carefully consider the words of Mr. Dabou"), one could infer a psychological characteristic, while for ordinary mortals reflection is a quiet year for our president to talk about is how you think or reflect.

To maintain the line, one could infer that the infinitives of verbs do not ask or accept, simultaneous actions, the opposite of gerunds, which require this, so that the expression "to our president speak is like thought or reflection, perhaps it should become" our president is speaking as one thinks or reflects ". The important thing is that the collection of these reflections grammatical made "flight computer" derived "constant outstanding" the president: "extraordinary loquacity", elementary way of saying, no doubt, that the Chief Executive talks a lot, frontal attack and many times is contradictory in its vehement calls for "unity" so vague for a demagogue to others.

This grammatical shame upon us these reflections, it is no coincidence. It is actually far more severe technical and analytical spirit so ignored and even despised in this country of miracle-working. It is important to notice the procedural and substantive aspects of a presidential work: president's oratorical forms, formalities of the parliamentary game, the daring little ceremonial and diplomatic foreign policy, the semantic mistake the two notions that seem to portray - - or self-portraits - the scheme: dialogue and self-criticism.

An expert in matters of "political grammar" said that "the word self is unhappy about a thousand reasons (...) When a public man propagate the self, only self-criticism, it is inevitable to assume that reserves the exclusive right to criticize their actions and, therefore, be denied that right to others ... " appear also reserve the right to choose the art criticism and the degree of severity or leniency, which used to criticize himself. More unfortunate, if you will, is the word "dialogue" which the dictionary defines as "a conversation between two or more people which in turn express their ideas or feelings." In this case, then it is really a monologue, as the second person necessary dialogue, ie the nation, has no way to express their ideas or feelings as all the usual means to do so fail in our country (El Salvador, so): public demonstrations, political parties, the Legislature , elections, media, television, radio, film. "

And so on to infinity. For example: the analysis of election results in a party system as the Salvadoran is, at best, a colonial tribute paid to Argentina or to American political science, so inclined to discover important trends in the struggles of his public life . The sad thing is that reported embarrassing cases of corruption of senior officials, tax evasion, smuggling and organized crime, but never should the Attorney General's Office or what ever is heard at the public level, is the ringing of the phone to "order" to the instance superior, "forget about those issues" and leave it to posterity. And what about the electoral reforms, only made to ensure the survival of the "minor parties" and avoid falling into the two-party, or a clash of Arena and the FMLN is incurred or a joke or not achieved rules complete fiction that those parties have embodied and sustained with exemplary tenacity.

Finally, analysis of the speeches and actions of the presidents of nations, lends itself to many ideas and conjecture. The important thing in any case are the demands of public opinion and criticism good and bad go beyond the circle of those who govern. It is not absolute power or economic resources and wealth, nothing else should be understood that the president is no longer the only key piece of the political system, its functions have entered a stage of organic mixture with other centers of power - Tell entrepreneurs and financiers to a lesser extent the union bureaucracy. And with those cores, the president is not only in terms of consultation and conciliation, but often, and publicly, of defiance and confrontation. Reality also shows that the Executive is now required to meet demands in a third sector, less localizable and more volatile, but of some importance and is embryonic: public opinion, or rather, the rights of those who have dedicated alone for years to build it with their activity, their independence, their prestige and their critical spirit.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

80s Aerobics Instructor Hair

Motherhood and the role of women

Feminist organizations have grown and developed a lot in our country over the past five years. Yet are excluded, and those who never think and quietly perform their duties and obligations. We think of the mothers of large families (six or ten children), where real economic misery prevails with all the consequences and make the following observation: what chance have these women to choose the best time to exercise their reproductive role? Will they able to realize the fact that you can not have children by them, without considering the actual circumstances involved?

law and the constitution supposedly guarantees granted to men and women equally, there should be no discrimination, much less take advantage of the needs of young to commit illegal, as apparently happened to the human resources manager of the Legislative Assembly, to submit to constant sexual harassment by a single mother. According to testimonies are several women raped by the officer of the Legislature. The new president Siegfried Reyes is a wonderful and inexcusable opportunity to "make noise" and start performing his duties by ordering an investigation into the allegations.

course, abuses occur in both the public and private, as against defenseless children, outraged even their own families. If the Family Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure and are not to be a dead letter act promptly to vindicate both single mothers and the children. For the intent of a law granting women the right to choose motherhood over compliance, it is essential that along with the proposal and the introduction of this law is put into practice a series of educational and sociological group to enable women to exercise their choice. We believe that the wife of the President of the Republic, in charge of the Ministry of Social Inclusion has all the facilities and guarantees to develop a magnificent work of protecting women and children, in short the whole family.

Too many loopholes in the law and not has managed to bring legislation based on the real needs and realities of Salvadoran women. Not only mothers, but the workers, peasant and all vendors and stationary without legal or social protection of any kind. If date has deprived the fatalistic idea that women should have children in fulfillment of its structure and biological functions, and what is more, have all the children that "God will give" and those who are able to conceive, by true desire, by accident or mistake, hardly altered their approach them for the mere fact that it appears a new law or are intended to modernize the Institute for Women, without first preparing them intellectually and emotionally for the review of its concepts. In this field there is much to do and must work together government agencies and feminist organizations.

However, such preparation should cover all aspects and all stages of life, for doing a review, we find that from childhood most of the toys for girls are dolls, which implies a strong intention, as at that time so important in forming the foundations of human personality to them are not allowed more than that possibility, because unlike men, who may use for their games a great variety of specially designed devices, be it tops, Capirucho, airplanes, marbles or trains, etc., stimulating their imagination, girls can not play more than with these dolls with their own bottles or diapers and small kitchen with which their interests are channeled for once, it is very improper for a girl play with toys for boys, which distorts the risk of development of their femininity.

When childhood spent in such conditions, the consequences are so obvious that no work is needed in the educational conditioning intimate process, especially if we add that there is any effective system commercial advertising that refers to motherhood in a way so insistent to leave once more to convince women that the only thing necessary is to be mothers and as many times as possible. Paradoxically, the more families can be found in minimum-income households. Why we insist on the need for a strong education, training and guidance from an early age. Of course, not unaware of the serious structural problems in this sensitive landscape influence of Salvadoran families.

In these circumstances, the choices are very limited, more like it comes from a legal abstraction to sensitize the nation to a new attitude, then you have to take some education and information measures to help overcome many distorted and clarify concepts that motherhood involves something other than entertainment or receive compliments each May 10 or cope pregnancies that end in "heroic birth" and that it is also something other than "give his life for the children" and to endure "sanctity" lack of appreciation of those. It is urgent, therefore, begin to consider motherhood from a realistic point of view, as a simple human function and disassociate from the myths that distort its concepts into a real source of confusion, in which both mothers as children and even parents do very bad book, as a result all revolve around a fiction gear enablers of guilt, resentment and blackmail.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Does Ff Mean Onsunbeam


On January 16, Luis met five years, the other day it was his blessing the table, he began to bless but he would have put his plate. "In the name of the father" at that time put her grandmother the plate, he saw its contents, with his hands in prayer and looking at the roof said, "God TAS passes! I bless you now double "and that was when we finished the first blessing ceremony to start eating and stop us" high! I said that double bless. "And had to wait for the second blessing. Laugh at home. On your plate

had fries and a fried egg.

the peeled potatoes when I fell asleep Nacho is good to participate in household chores and more time being with the woman sharing things, even discussing Why not?
Until another day, God willing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Side Effects Of Leptospirosis Canine Vaccine


Cantinflas remember a movie (I quote from memory) in which he bought shirts and pants; seems cheap very expensive shirt and shorts, it complains to the vendor with the hope that it will decrease the price of the underpants The seller does it, it lowers the price of the pants but it raises the price of the shirt, Cantinflas, with its matchless grace says. More or less, I go up my shirt and pants down to do you want?

has come to my mind this film, reading in the ratio of January 17 that cost us the palette stupidity of our politicians by requiring translators in the Senate for everyone to speak the language he wants, so, for example, a senator from Catalonia, born and raised in Aragon, Catalan speak and to understand what Senator Aragon, born and raised in Catalonia, this will be put in an earpiece ear to listen to what the Aragonese Castilian senator is saying in Catalan Catalan, is there more bullshit? both, as in his school days had leaders with more common sense than the current school, studied in Castilian is the official language of Spain, and say Castilian English, not because I think that English is the Catalan, Valencian, Basque , Majorcan, etc. and Castilian, Well despite all the Senators dominated the Castilian as demonstrated at the bar and in the hallways, we spend EUR 350 000 translators, this do not you remember the movie THE AUTONOSUYAS or Vizcaíno Casas novel of the same title? You might think, that 350 thousand euros in the accounts of state is the parrot and chocolate is right, but there are many parrots who are not deprived of chocolate, for example, pensions for MPs and senators, embassies and companies created to place friends, family and party members, the Historical Memory, Mr Chavez as president of Andalusia gives 10 million to the company where his daughter is overcome, the Gazette on 25 January Leire Pajin advises that gives 2.6 million euros related unions and feminist groups, have more staff and official cars to the United States, etc. more parrots eating chocolate, but it would be a long list.

chocolate order to pay both the Government of Spain, has lowered the salaries of staff and has frozen the pension and not only that, it has also lowered the pension, I pension payment this year less than last year because I have raised a point in the income tax withholding with what I have lowered the board, and I guess I will not be the only light and gas have increased their rates and rising fuel prices are rising the staples, this is it part of social progress, of which boasts both the "genius" of the Moncloa? Joaquín Marco said REASON (23 June last year on page 12) "Perhaps the money was a great invention, but turned many into slaves and other criminals" and I add: and other politicians and some politicians, in a ready and he whom it hurts to give the hint.

Anyway, I'm not, I'm angry, I see that as Cantinflas in "KNIGHT TO THE EXTENT," I climb down my shirt and underwear What do they intend to do with me and the rest of retirees? I hope not intend to pay also the Vaseline. Well, I do not! I'm too macho.
Until another day, God willing

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Neosynephrine In Cats

a farce (2 nd delivery)

two years ago that seaside resort of Canet de Berenguer (Valencia) is so loud that it can not rest, but I summering on that beach many years and when the evening people are going to the beach, I picked up two fishing rods, a folding chair, a good sandwich, my boot filled with a good Rioja and went to the beach with the intention fishing, but really, what he did was swim the worm and feed the fish, then fish the biggest thing was tremendous cold, but I was lucky to meet a man from Andorra, Andorra, whose origins are lost in the mists of time, or so he said, clear that he boasted to me that the Andorran and was Catalan, as well liked came from my boot, but never take a bottle or a piece of ham or cheese to go with, but it was very nice and a good conversationalist, in one of our endless discussions I said that Catalan was the official language of Andorra and therefore the Catalan language was, very seriously my friend corrected me: "why not, the official language of Andorra is Andorra, which has happened is that the Catalans have adopted it and call him as a Catalan and we are a very small country because no one listens to us. "

I do not pretend to argue on issues not know, but this little story would suit me very well as an introduction to the second installment of" Catalan Nationalism a farce "and that continue today with the language. Don Michael Braveheart

included in his book a small dictionary consisting of 374 words in Castilian, Catalan and Balearic Islands. (Sorry, but between us, Castilian English call it here, because as English as it is the Catalan and Balearic Islands and Mallorca, with foreigners, English, as the official language in Spain)
Castilian Catalan --- ---- Balearic
Crowded abarrotat ---- ---- - repl
Terrace --------- - patch -----'- tenàssa
Clitoris ------- - ------ clitoris - guellet
up to 374 words "So it seems that Catalan is the dialect of Castilian? The author offers a few sentences so you can appreciate the semantic difference.
".... The semantics comes into play. Or what is the same, the meaning of the word, which meant the speaker or transmitter the listener or viewer "
Castilian: not refuel with the engine running
Balear: not so positive emb motor gasoline in Marx
Catalan: no feu amb motor gasoline engegat
" The phrase in Catalan for a total no sense Balearic rational as a Balearic given to understand that: if you do not make gasoline driven motor car.
For "feu" for Balearic is the verb and do not put "engegar" in Balearic means casting out, fire someone badly. Catalan engegar means implementation. "
Castilian: Dad gets up at eight and nine Catalan
Mom: The Pope is carried a les ales i Vuit breast nou
Balear: Is dad s'axeca to vuyt and mamà sa nou
The semantics of the sentence in Catalan heard by a Spaniard, this says, the Pope is removed at eight and nine does fellatio.
As the "pope" in the Balearic Islands is: the Pope is leading "in Balearic means" removed "and" mama "means someone is doing oral sex: being the pronoun."
There are more examples but this it is too long and if a button is enough to show there are two, so until another day, God willing.