Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Are Blisters On My Hip Herpes

I like

( Published in The Nation, April 29, 2008 )

about two years have passed so-called movement of the penguins, which manifestations secondary students opened a broad debate on the precariousness of basic and secondary education in Chile. Not surprisingly, the students have returned to the streets and demonstrations, and that the claims raised by them become and remain profit, the General Law of Education, quality of education, the full school day, school fee, among others. All this, despite the installation of the Presidential Advisory Council on Quality Education, pompously announced by Ms. Bachelet, who should have generated the appropriate proposals, but that only served to stop the student movement and not exceed great scourges of the educational system: financing, quality and equity. And yet also, that the issue is currently before Parliament, although there appears to be an intention to advance its pipeline. In this scenario

operating under the existing logical question in May 2006, the expectation is that gaps education accrue, for example, the results of the PSU 2007, only 1% of the children of lower-income families exceeded 700 points, while the children of high-income families this percentage reaches 16 %. These figures show that the poor condition of exclusion in education are very poor, which does not occur with high-income students. Hence the college selection system is not only a reflection of social reality in the country, why in the latest proposal submitted by the Ministry of Education side last December, raised its final disposal and replacement for a mechanism to consider school systems and scientific humanism.

and wrong in the same direction can consider other mechanisms such as indirect tax contribution (AFI) which is now a public policy as regressive, since the assumption of promoting academic excellence awards to institutions of higher education hosting students from higher socioeconomic strata, which are those who obtained better results from the PSU and at the same time, private schools that historically shown better results in SIMCE. A vicious circle has more than 30 years without breaking, inherited from the dictatorship and the Concertación has ratified. Just remember the demands of the side of the second half of the eighties which were neither more nor less than the same on 24 April, when students again took to the streets in cities across the country and received the usual repression police.

since May 2006 has been two years of unnecessary steps, where, contrary to what was proposed in May of 68 French students of our own have been realistic because they have asked only possible, but in Chile, the possible is impossible. It is politically absurd to blame the student movements of the little progress achieved as if it were not for these, the advisory board Bachelet appointed sesionaría education at the tomb of former dictator. Let's be honest, neither the government nor the opposition have tried to modify the regulatory framework of the dictatorship. The solution exists and is as old as the Old Europe, that we all love to imitate, and facing the problem with large public investments financed by a tax system which taxes most those who have more and larger companies.

Then, we will not be surprising that students return to take to the streets to complain about a serious country that has tried to present as settled or in process of solution, which is the false image that they wanted to close the revolution penguin, 2006. Also it should not be surprising in light of what happens in Parliament, as the project is in the Congress considers only part of the claims and makes no substantive changes to the system requires. A make-up, among many, thanks to which, stylists of the Coalition and the Alliance has achieved international recognition.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Does Scope Get You Drunk

Students New Students In SalmonChile and Homeland

(Published in Strategy Journal April 25, 2008)

Almost two years of secondary manifestations of the movement opened a debate on the precariousness of basic and secondary education in Chile, it should surprise that the issues raised by them become and remain profit, the General Law of Education, the quality of education, full school day, among others. That is the same from a couple of years, despite the installation of the Presidential Advisory Council on the Quality of Education should have generated the appropriate proposals, but that only served to stop the student movement and do not overcome the great evils educational system: financing, quality and equity.

Each year the gaps in education, the same as reflected in almost all areas-are increased, for example, the results of the 2007 PSU only thing that showed was that the poor condition of exclusion in education have been very poor, which does not occur with high-income students. Hence the college selection system is not only a reflection of social reality in the country.

In the same context, one can consider issues such as indirect tax contribution (AFI) which is now a public policy as regressive, since the assumption of promoting academic excellence awards to institutions of higher education welcome students from higher socioeconomic strata, which are those that scored better on the PSU and come at a time, private schools historically showing the best results in SIMCE. A vicious cycle that has more than 30 years without breaking. Just remember the demands of the side of the second half of the eighties which were neither more nor less than the same day again yesterday when students took to the streets.

Two lost years of expansion, which were not considered important proposals and alternatives that in some European countries, the ones that we like to imitate, deal with a substantial public investment and a regressive tax system does not represent a high percentage of GDP. We wonder the students return to take to the streets claim for something that is presented as fixed, that is the false image that closed the penguin revolution of 2006. A far cry from the precarious reality of Chilean education.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Australian Toaster Muffins

(Published in Strategy Journal, April 11, 2008)

difficult has been the outlook for salmon. Are dimmed and, through its president, Cesar Barros, are dedicated to injure not only those who have conducted a campaign to raise awareness of the negative impacts on environment and labor abuses that this industry rush, but also , whipping the New York Times, the newspaper American who recently became aware of the questions hanging over the industry. This led to one of the largest supermarket chains in the United States suspended imports of salmon from Chile. Immediately, on the Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, the salmon companies lost between 4 and 5 percentage points in their prices.

attitude is not surprising Barros, his lineage is obscured arrogance to public criticism. But what is unacceptable is the attitude of state institutions. The Chilean ambassador to Washington, he hastened to write a letter to the newspaper stating that the note affects a highly profitable industry in Chile, Foreign Minister Foxley said national pride that represents the industry, Juan Gabriel Valdes, head of the country image, represented the government's desire to support the industry to avoid the damage to the Chamber of Deputies approved a draft agreement for the country to report on regulations and inspections is subject to the industry and the Minister Pérez Yoma, chief of staff announced a joint plan with industry to organize their rescue.

All he said the New York Times has long been documented. Marine Harvest, Norwegian salmon farming company operating in Chile, recognized the overuse of antibiotics and lack of regulation. However, senior government officials are quick to defend the industry as if it were the most sacred of national identity.

When such basic resources like water are severely damaged and labor rights violated by this industry, there is no authority that comes to his defense. If the salmon confuse their interests with those of the country beyond them, but when the State defends private capital as the country itself, not only is a shame unpresentable, but a demonstration of the serious crisis of representation that displays the country today and apparent lack of political democracy that is realistic and effective.

Marcel Claude, Executive Director Institute Politika.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Best Electronic Coyote Call

Capital and Public Interest Once More

(Published in The Nation, April 9.2008)

At the time the lobby project, submitted by Members and Jorge Burgos Tohá Carolina in 2002, was ready to be enacted, the new Senate President Adolfo Zaldívar announced a crackdown aimed to specify either senators and their interest, which by law must be declared. The combination of this background the opportunity to bring to the fore public transparency of the parliamentary-and by extension the political role "in Chile. This is because even if Zaldívar is right, parliamentarians, as you said the comptroller Ramiro Mendoza, act fairly with impunity and protected by law, where the laws of transparency and integrity do not alter your sound sleep and his "good act."

To this point has been reached regarding the deputy Burgos acknowledged that the situation in Congress is "opaque" and that often has been "gentlemen" to monitor how each MP votes given project, which is undoubtedly a embarrassment to anyone who believes in deepening democracy. The situation is even darker for those who roam in the halls of the legislature and try to influence the will of the elected representatives of the people, to abandon the public does not assume such a condition. A few months ago, Que Pasa interviewed the twelve best-known lobbying firms in the country: nine said they did not undertake this activity. Only Imaginacción, Enrique Correa, said recognize and understand that defending particular interests. Astonishing degree of impunity for doing such a factor.

Beyond the lobby regulation more transparent and thus seeks to enshrine the "lesser evil"-which does not and can not mean that this mechanism is good and desirable, also struck by the dual role of several reputable lobbyists who exert the while political responsibilities (public good) while earning their income from representing private interests. If you are advisers of high authorities of the Republic if they apply to elected positions or leading civic organizations, how can the city tell where is the public interest and where the private sector? When agents of the higher interests of the country or when they do it to encourage customers with whom they work? The problem is that when an active part in politics becomes the comparative advantage of a lobbyist, we entered an area extremely dangerous to the public interest.

In what has to do with Congress, we can say responsibly that, so far, the institution has not done anything to regulate itself, leaving limits extremely tenuous between the lobby, influence peddling and the open operation for private or personal interests. Regarding the latter, the Constitutional Act which are subject parliamentarians, is clear: the obligation not to act, to not vote and a fortiori not to deal with laws that are committed to them or their relatives to the third degree inbreeding. However, failing this legal provision has not had any consequences in practice for MPs, who not infrequently have legislated in favor of their own interests. Adolfo Zaldívar

knows plenty, since his brother Andrew to be Senate President and himself the owner of the DC and member of the Committee on Fisheries, handled the call Fisheries Act in 2002 that favored the company Eperva Angelini group, in which 18 family members were shareholders Zaldívar. Adolfo Zaldívar not abstained from voting in favor of the law. For none of the senators there was the slightest consequence. One continued to be chairman of the Senate and vice president of Chile and the other parliamentary and today it is still new president of the Senate.

welcome, therefore, the progress of the lobby law and the proposal of Senator Zaldivar the sake of transparency. Chile needs to develop its democracy not only by overcoming the binomial system but also with measures like these, which include public access to public information, political funding and the possibility of revoking mandates citizen who has been chosen as seriously injured trust those who took him to victory. Let's see how far you can advance the so-called political class in this direction.

Marcel Claude, an economist.