Monday, October 6, 2008

Showers At Summer Camp

Crisis of Capitalism: Towards the End of the Age

Capitalism and Greed
Capitalism is in crisis again. The media frenzy Announce Financial Apocalypse now, revived the old thesis of the terminal crisis of capitalism, this left many thinkers have predicted for generations, the International Monetary Fund, Soros, economists from all over the world come on to suggest that this would be one of the worst crisis he has faced capitalism.

Whether this is important to understand, as far as possible, the dimensions, causes and real consequences of such events that shook the entire planet. But perhaps we should build it before re-conceptualizing capitalist system, what is its essence and ultimate reason: the alpha and omega of such systemic issues. Many understand it as private enterprise or private property, exploitation of man or the right-wing government, the theories of Adam Smith or Milton Friedman, the law of supply and demand or the "invisible hand." Nevertheless, and to go much further core, but in all these characterizations have been part of the truth, the capitalist system is essentially a political, social and economic context is based on the pursuit of profit for all capital you can get a profitability. That is, get a higher benefit over investment and hence, to hoard profits on earnings. That is, the values \u200b\u200bthat drive the capitalist world are nothing short of that old, discredited sins like greed, inordinate desire to possess and acquire wealth to hoard, or greed, excessive desire for wealth. The world order is sustained, today more than at any other time, on this type of behavior from not just the set of human virtues, ever so little, but rather its antithesis.

may be discredited thesis of Smith or Friedman and may disappear private property, market economy and government from the right, but if you continue to profit as the reason for human society, will capitalism prevail and find the appropriate institutions for their implementation. Profit is final, and in simple words, the real reason for the current crisis. So deeply understands what the President Bachelet who was allowed to say this to the nations of the world. Good for her, but it could also say that the AFP Chilean economic groups in Chile pillage the environment and exploit workers because of their insatiable greed. Better or for worse, Chile is the paradigm of unbridled capitalism and the land of greed and greed rampant at will, and the animals thrived in the beginning of time. But nobody is prophet in his land and if the president do so, runs the risk of getting long in the polls of La Tercera and El Mercurio and from there, the Coalition could lose the election.

For those who do are more than just economists, we are not allowed to speak so lightly about such complex and so intertwined phenomena. There would be serious and it would be a huge lack of professional thoroughness. Hence we have, necessarily, the task of making greater efforts to understand and explain such situations. Otherwise necessary, since there is much that is said and written about it, but there is little that can be understood. Come by

. Today-and macro-economic terms The capital has two major areas for profit: the real economy and / or financial economics. That is, can invest in a dairy plant, a copper mine, in a carrier, or any other activity that means something that has consistency produce physical or intangible, for example, a service operator or a company accounts that do not give anything material, but we do provide a profit, serve. The rate of maturation of these investments depends on the type of activity, but obviously is not immediate. If we invest in planting tomatoes, we expect the harvest time that will never be less than six months. The alternative is the world of finance. Today, in this world almost virtual, tomatoes are harvested from the overnight and the trees grow in a split second. Nothing wrong no? the brave new world, the goose that lays the golden eggs, the lamp of Aladdin, the cave of the Forty Thieves, the kingdom of Midas and all those childhood fantasies to dream about a life easier and without the troubles of the biblical statement " earn their bread by the sweat of your brow. " Today, thanks to the characteristics of the global financial system, it is possible to earn much more, and shorter time-real activities and we will see why.

However, if greed as the supreme value of humanity Capitalism add the current financial market characteristics, we understand the causes of the current crisis: Why you will win 100 if you win 500? Why are you going to produce milk if you can buy financial instruments that rent more? The first problem is that financial instruments do not eat tomatoes and yes, listed shares do not contain the nutrients that milk that children worldwide need for food, the second problem is that when money is invested in shares or financial instruments, you stop investing in the production of milk and wheat and, consequently, less economic activity, less employment, less milk and more hunger, more unemployment and more poverty. According to Lynn Walsh, editor of Socialism Today, during the period 1980/90, the capitalists increase their profits through increased exploitation of workers, but the capital investment has fallen to historic lows. That is, there has been a surplus of profits not invested in the creation of capital goods for real output and the surplus has been a major source of money that has been introduced in the financial sector.

This is precisely what has happened in recent decades. There are few specialists who say that today the capitalist economy as a whole is nothing a huge casino where the rich of the world will be played on savings and wealth in the world: some will lose, but others will gain a lot. Meanwhile, the savings of workers who put their pension funds in the AFP and that they in turn risk in financial markets, it is distributing step by step: one for the profits of the AFP, another to pay the commissions financial traders who traded stocks or financial instruments that the AFP purchase, and a not insignificant portion to support operating costs, electricity, water, rent, meals, travel, luxury office materials, etc.-and salaries executives of banks and investment funds that trade these financial instruments. All this with a highly risky promise to increase your pension fund, ie a high probability that it is not true. If it materializes, either the worker, for financial operators, banks and the AFP, if not bad only for the worker, as the AFP and cut his hand, bank executives have already received their wages, costs operation have already been paid and the commissions already paid. All this with the funds they require workers to provide for their future pensions. Just as the workers who put their retirement funds in a pension fund, there are other people who put their savings into stock markets and investment funds who face the same fate.

shocking data that substantiate these arguments, the financial sector has been the fastest growing in the global economy. In the early eighties, the total financial assets (stocks, bonds, loans, mortgages) was approximately equal to the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), ie, equal to all the planet's wealth. At the end of 2005 was equivalent to 3.7 times the global GDP, or nearly four times the global wealth, which means that there are not enough planes, tomatoes, shoes, wheat and milk in the world, to realize the value of all financial assets. A few businessmen have in their hands the wealth of planet that is produced today and that will occur in the next 4 years. At that same time period, the nominal value of financial derivatives, which are instruments or contracts whose value derives from having financial assets, represented three times the value of total financial assets and 10 times world GDP (Lynn Walsh) .

What we see clearly in recent years is that the owners of capital have not only accumulated more and more wealth, have also sought higher returns through financial speculation and less on actual production. This is because somehow, the business cycle in the non-financial economy has been shrinking and choking, among other things, the growing concentration of wealth that limits the expansion of demand and declining productivity of natural ecosystems to be subjected to over exploitation. This reduces the rate of profit in the real economy by pushing the capitalists to financial speculation. This, in turn, reinforces the loss of dynamism in the real economy by reducing capital investment migrates as the financial market.

see clearly how greed has been deployed around the world without restrictions and how it has diverted a huge wealth of real output and useful, tangible or intangible, to support a miserable and cruel orgy of profit and accumulation, as unemployment, poverty, hunger and inequality spread like wildfire. Curious and downright insulting: to combat the famine that afflicts over 800 million people, the world's nations gathered 16 billion dollars, more, to resolve the financial crisis of Wall Street the U.S. government allocated 700 billion dollars "Amen to all that has already cost this country and other developed world their numbers are similar, ie 44 times more to continue the unbridled absurdity of Wall Street to address the hunger of the needy" dog world no?

triggered the crisis: Subprime Mortgages

As has been repeated ad nauseam, this crisis has been called the subprime crisis and has to do with mortgage loans made by U.S. banks to people who were unable to meet its obligations. As we know, in 2001 there was another financial crisis known as the "Internet bubble" that developed due to the successful entry into the stock markets of Internet firms in the United States with Yahoo and Amazon, and Spain with Terra- thanks to the very high expectations of business to be based on overly optimistic projections on the number of users who were going to capture. Well, they did not materialize, leading to the decline in funding and led to another liquidity crisis. Then the Federal Reserve Central Bank of United States-to provide liquidity to the system in two years brought down the cost of borrowing from 6.5% to 1%, which was a strong incentive to expand credit, as the low cost that the Federal Reserve charged to banks and investment funds by borrowing money. This helped the housing market and helped in 10 years, the real price of housing is multiplied by two in the U.S., thanks to increased demand that favored the availability of loans.

If to this we add the fact that for years, prevailing interest rates in international financial markets have been considerably lower, we understand the need for banks to increase credit supply to compensate for reduced profit margins meant falling interest rates. Logical rationalization of the expansion of housing loans to insolvent people was very simple: as more risky, they charge more interest and if they pay well, but if we were charged with houses priced considerably higher money will allow us to recover paid and earn a surplus. The error is obvious, house prices were being pushed up, among other things, the increase in funding poor-quality mortgages made up the demand and, consequently, the future price and supply of houses. That is, a real estate boom artificially constructed. These mortgages are called subprime mortgages, as opposed to so-called prime mortgages that have very low risk of insolvency, because their borrowers are clients with work, active and stable income.

However, the increase in the number of bank operations, cos they could not afford their own resources, so that, thanks to globalization, which remains in line to all the world's financial markets, banks could use for international funds. This, under interbank market is where banks lend money to each other. However, it weakened the enforcement of so-called Basel rules require that banks with a capital of not less than a certain percentage of their assets-which include the loans they make. That was precisely what was happening: the rise in subprime mortgage loans were made to break those rules. To save the situation, the banks acted implementing two mutually articulated operations: first, creating the so-called conduits, which consist of branches of banks in the legal form of investment funds, thanks to legislation in force today, were not required to show consolidated balances with banks that had created and which belonged to the owner, and second, creating the "Certification" which is the invention of a new financial instrument that is nothing more than a package of mortgage, in which mixing both the prime and subprime loans. Consequently, the bank now had a set of new instruments were called MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities) and consisted of a set of obligations secured by the mortgage of the property and that they were just gathered baskets of different categories of credit risk. Grace is that it made the MBS had a lower risk than subprime by themselves, since their risk averaged with that of the prime.

financial With these two inventions, the bank made the funds (their conduits) buy these MBS instruments and thus could magically reduce the vulnerability in its loan portfolio and increase the ratio of its capital and loans. This is because it sold its portfolio of customers to their funds. The absurdity is that the bank and the funds belonged to the same owner, but, in this way managed to meet the Basel standards. In turn, these investment funds through the interbank getting the money to buy MBS, and Moreover, these MBS sold to other investment funds, venture capital companies, insurance, financial, asset and pension fund managers.

But for all this could operate "cleanly" is required the support of the rating agencies, ie, they had to be well evaluated by the rating agencies, who qualify based on the creditworthiness of financial instruments. To sell the MBS highly risky for operators such as venture capital companies, the AFP or other funds seeking higher returns, among other reasons because it meant to receive commissions based on the profitability, the banks managed to of rating agencies, a reclassification of financial instruments. To this came a new "Certification" or restructuring, this time from the MBS, creating new packages but they were called MBS tranches. Those most likely to pay were reclassified in AAA, that is, with the lowest risk, the most creditworthy. These sorted MBS tranches were renamed as CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligations), ie, debt as collateral relied on the characteristics of other debts. The story continues, as these CDO created with other tools such as CDS (Credit Default Swaps) offering more and more interest on mortgage debt of doubtful credibility.

All these operations were as a starting point, or hypothesis, that subprime mortgages would be paid and that the U.S. housing boom would not stop ever, constantly increasing property prices. However, in early 2007, U.S. home prices plummeted. Mortgage borrowers realized they were paying for their homes more than they cost now and could not or would not continue paying their debts. Automatically, no one wanted to buy MBS, CDO or CDS, and who and had failed to sell. Total loss. The crisis of credibility was installed immediately and the banks had recourse Once again, interbank loans, but either unable to borrow or were at very high rates. Consequently, there was the dreaded credit crunch, that is, no money, so it does not provide any loans or mortgages, falling demand from construction companies, dropped the price of their stock, began to raise rates interest and housing debtors began to pay more for debt, less creditworthy companies are barred their access to credit, banks were left without resources and began to sell stocks, bonds, buildings, and all this began slowly to pass prices and global demand, as unemployment began to increase, inflation and falling all the real economic activity. Ie recession.

The Root Causes of the Crisis
Many have argued that the cause of this financial crisis is the so-called subprime mortgage bubble. However, this only corresponds to triggering the crisis. Its root causes are related to the deregulation of financial markets, the behavior of rating agencies and the conduct observed by the world's central banks.

In the financial sector there is a group of hedge funds that bet on unregulated financial products with a high risk, known as hedge funds, and a group of investment banks authorized to operate in the capital market. Both now represent over half of all credit, while traditional banks are increasingly engaged in non-regulated speculative stocks, such as mechanisms of "Certification" that are not required to report on their balance sheets. These operations rely on the complicity of political authorities, was authorized by changes in government legislation, the "financial deregulation" - to the point that today, the main activity of investment banks and hedge funds is to buy and sell debt among themselves, getting obviously, any profit from each transaction. This has contributed, too, the development of computer and telecommunications that enable online financial transactions 24 hours a day throughout the world.

Nevertheless, as Lynn says Walsh, the most important factor is political and ideological. The "financial deregulation" is part of the ideological shift that operated during the last three decades of the last century, when it abandoned the liberal-inspired economic policies Keynesian and took those recommended by the Chicago School of Milton Freidman. A sort of return to the liberal policies of the early twentieth century. So also, is the result of the charge asymmetric forces pro-capitalist policies in most of the Western world and the abdication, and in many cases subordinate role for much of the political forces capitalists to the logic of capital. The "financial deregulation" is the favorite daughter of those ultra-liberal economic policies that have led to the various crises faced by the world in the last 30 years and, particularly, the ongoing subprime crisis. The International Monetary Fund himself in 1998, argued that the crises that have come to have global effects are explained by processes of deregulation and liberalization financial, as well as innovation in capital markets late last century and early twenty-first century, more than other causes.

Girón and Correa contends that among the most important structural financial changes that occurred in the past 30 years, it may be noted: the shortening of the time deposits and financial instruments and the development of an active secondary market, which has significantly reduced the time for the completion of the gain, the growth of the practice of "Degree" of credit, the enormous growth in operations "out of balance" of banks, in particular with the use derivatives and the management and trade debt, and the strengthening of mutual funds with a high degree of concentration of financial assets in the hands of a few managers who can move large volumes on short notice. All these changes have led to very worrying features of the international financial system, one of which is the lack of transparency, since nobody really knows what the risks associated with investments terrifying Another feature that damages a critical foundation of the banking system honor the commitments, ie the certainty that the debts are paid, is the separation between creditors debt and those who arbitrate, ie between those who must collect, banks, and those who traded securities based on these secondary-market debt funds, or conduits, in the predicament that when a debt is secured and sold has no relevance to the fact that the original debtors are able or not to pay those debts. According

John Hoefle, deregulation of U.S. financial system, which runs the world's financial markets were allowed to systematically eliminating protectionist legislation that resulted from the policies of President Roosevelt's fight against international bankers in thirties. Hoefle recalls that in 1993, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the government agency responsible for regulating the futures market, determined that the derivative transactions made outside the stock markets, would be exempt from all regulation. This included future operations of any kind, including those related to energy. Also, in 2000, adopted the Commodities Futures Modernization Act which left some orphans derivatives without government control and supervision of the CFTC.

Another important change that "deregulated" financial activity by the euphemism of modernization financial services, was the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which represented the biggest change in the regulation of U.S. financial system since 1930. The Act created a new type of financial institutions called Financial Holding Company (FMC), authorized to carry out activities in securities, banking, insurance, as well as in any activity classified as financial. This will break the separation between commercial banking and investment banking, which established the Banking Act of 1933, because at the time of the Great Depression, a large number of bank failures were attributed to speculative activity by banks in the stock market.

economist Emilio Ocampo adds, furthermore, that in 2004 the rule was relaxed forced investment banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, to maintain a minimum ratio between debt and equity . This led in the period 2003/07, the debt ratio on equity of Morgan Stanley spent 23 to 32 and so did other banks. In contrast, in late 2007, total debt as a commercial bank JP Morgan (supervised by the Federal Reserve) did not exceed 12 times its equity. The report

No. 78 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) "it is undeniable that changes in the financial system over the years have also contributed significantly to the outcome of events. In particular, the numerous innovations related to the spread of financial model based on originating and distributing risks have had a tremendous influence. Recent innovations such as structured financial products initially were considered a good way to spread the risks. However, the way they were made significantly worse quality of credit ratings in many markets and was a clear lack of transparency, which has generated a huge uncertainty about the actual amount of losses and their distribution. Indeed, innovative financial techniques of "bundling" and Redistribution of risk to which they were more expensive but less likely, at least for some time. In practice, this meant that the risks inherent in new loans seemed to disappear, thus raising the ratings, until suddenly reappeared to materialize completely unexpected loss. "

The legendary Nobel laureate in economics, Paul Samuelson, author of textbooks that many economists we should review and refine our years of study, in an article published by El Pais newspaper in January, says that when Bush became the presidency in 2000 and the Republicans win a majority in both houses of Congress, the "compassionate conservatism" of Bush compassionate resulted in tax giveaways to the plutocrats, and a further deregulation of business accounting that would allow them to hide losses and inflate the benefits through a balance sheet management that violated strict accounting rules created in the years before Bush. Professor Samuelson continues, "bankruptcies and macroeconomic swamps the world is suffering today are directly related to the financial engineering shenanigans that the official apparatus approved and even encouraged during the Bush era."

No less important has been the role of central banks. The role they played also played a critical factor in this crisis, since, using the mechanism of abnormally low interest rates, supplied the big players with fresh money, low-cost operations. Recall that central banks act as lenders of banking and financial system, for which set an interest rate that acts as a benchmark for credit operations. In particular, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank, increasingly faced with a threat of instability, responded with new injections of liquidity. Alan Greenspan, a long time at the head of the Federal Reserve, was the architect of this policy which continues today Ben Bernanke. Moreover, government debt has been one of the most important foundations for the growth of financial assets. Some argue that growth in the 2001/07 period was fueled by low interest rates, Greenspan and Bush's huge budget deficits that made up the titles and volumes of debt in the financial system. Likewise, the European Central Bank has been injecting cash flow for banks to have money.

Torres Lopez argues that central banks are partly responsible for the crisis in the first place because they corresponds to the work of monitoring the status of business banking, warn of the risk and prevent their consequences. There are few instruments that have to do the task and is not negligible information available about the real financial situation that was being generated, but chose the complacency and silence regarding the increased volatility and the real risk of global recession that was incubating, and secondly, because central banks have used monetary policy, which is an instrument of economic policy, only to control inflation, forgetting any other purpose, such as output growth or employment and acted as a support financial system by providing liquidity to speculative business.

As argued by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in recent years have clearly shown a series of unusual financial and economic trends, such as the rapid growth of money and credit, in the context of inadequate assessment risk across the board. The high rates of money and credit growth registered throughout the world for a long period, among other things, are the result of a monetary policy based on official interest rates extraordinarily low in recent times, compared with their levels of post-war This was possible through increased credibility that central banks have in recent years.

Moreover, in this crisis, the rating agencies have been frankly incompetent or engaged in serious conflicts of interest. Debt insurers that act as collateral in all-denominated debt issues Monline because that is their only activity, which began insuring debt of U.S. government institutions and for some years decided to expand their business and embark on emissions private endorsing any type of bond or financial instrument structured as MBS, CDO or CDS, have lost credibility and, consequently, the stock valuation trade. These were even accused of being heavily involved in the business and explains why they were not interested to show the true and dangerous nature of the securities and financial instruments.

discontent against these rating agencies are spread throughout the world, since they were unable to foresee the risk and continued sorting through notes AA (low risk) financial instruments contaminated with subprime mortgages. Rating agencies like Moody's and Standard and Poor's, among others, gave the highest ratings (AAA) financial instruments that were known as the subprime loans backing. Lehman Brothers, the giant U.S. bank recently-fallen held a low-risk classification (AA) a few days after his resounding failure. U.S. Risk Insurance world's largest - Fitch, Standard & Poor's and Moody's-have been blamed by the U.S. Congress of the crisis and its consequences. More oil was The Wall Street Journal, who has said that these insurers not only pushed the crisis, but a lot of money won titles with subprime mortgages contaminated. Maximum ratings of these financial instruments that gave this rating, allowed them to sell and put those "instruments junk to investment banks, in return, as not-for substantial market rates.

Life Crisis
Ignacio Ramonet, quoting columnist Martin Wolf of Financial Times, reports that estimates range from twenty years if we're lucky, or less than ten years if the authorities act with a firm hand. The truth is that the dimension of the problem is not well calibrated, there is still much uncertainty and this is reflected in the frenzied rise and fall of the stock. It is not known who are all affected, how many banks, many AFP, many mutual funds.

Clearly, the duration of the crisis depends on the amount of losses that could occur in the course of it. Lynn Walsh citing Morris's book "The Trillion Dollar Meldown" argued that only the losses on subprime mortgages amount to 450 billion dollars, but today is known to be a low estimate of the amounts that the U.S. government has invested in sustaining financial market. For companies greater potential losses estimated at 345 billion dollars in credit card losses amount to 215 billion dollars. In total, a billion dollars in losses and wealth vanished. If this is added the potential loss of the CDS-the-side debt and are hard to pin down, would not be eager to continue to benefit since any figure who ventures should not overlook that the nominal value of these amounts to a staggering $ 45 trillion. That is why Morris argues that if the CDS fall "we would be facing a complete thrombosis of the credit system" and that, given the volume, it is pointless to try to estimate the magnitude of losses. For sake of completeness, Morris argues that a crisis chaotic, convulsive, a disastrous collapse of the financial system, could cause losses of up to $ 3 trillion.

solution measures
Financial crises are difficult to avoid in the context of capitalist development more even in the context of a capitalism with a hypertrophied financial system. The old saying "greed breaks the sack" is applied to this capitalism financialized mathematically, but here we talk about bags and no bag. The uncontrolled ambition is the breeding ground for these monumental crises, where speculative activities are not only the daily bread, are also shown as more legitimate activities, technical, political and moral. However, there are economic policy instruments and institutional and legal mechanisms that can correct and contain such crises. That's what was used in the thirties as a result of the Great Depression: a whole institutional system of economic regulation which has led to dismantling the current crisis. Among other measures, consideration should be imposed on international capital flows, lace systems forced to swallow the short-term capital to maintain a percentage of their capital in countries of destination for their investments, which increases investment and punishes speculative famous eliminate tax havens, forcing banks to transparency by the end of the operations "out of balance" that enables them to cover risky operations, building state institutions devoted to the risk classification to prevent conflicts of interest. In short, more control and regulation by public institutions to ensure citizen interest above any other political goal. Not far off to return, in glory and majesty, the antitrust laws should never be abandoned.

That is, nothing more, which suggests Michael Moore with his special way of communicating, by requiring that "all regulations must be restored" and order the death of the Reagan revolution, who noted as part of its deregulation policies " The problem is not the state, the state is the problem. " In particular Moore proposed to the United States to revoke the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, enacted by Clinton and promoted by Republican Senator Phil Gramm, chief economic adviser to Republican candidate John McCain. This proposal is very likely to be welcomed in a new government led by Democrat Barack Obama.

Most immediately, it would be possible to bring into play the power that sovereign investment funds created by states and central banks with funds mainly from the oil and gas. Russia, Norway, some Asian and Arab Emirates, have established such funds whose size is estimated at 3 billion dollars. Have their origin in the fifties under the assumption constitute a "fund for future generations" and have, as claimed by Ibrahim Warde, characteristics, objectives and different modes governing the hedge funds responsible for this crisis. This and their financial power, makes functional political-strategic objectives apart from the speculative frenzy that characterized the economy finaciarizada. In fact, have been playing an important role in politics bailout banks disgraced over the last thirteen months that lasted the subprime crisis. As highlighted by Warde, in November 2007, the ADIA fund of the United Arab Emirates bought 4.9% of Citigroup, the first World Bank; two weeks later, Singapore's GIC injected U.S. $ 10,000 million in the Swiss group UBS, tenth World Bank. In December of that year, the Chinese sovereign wealth fund CIC bought 9.9% of the large capital investment bank Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch received 4,400 million dollars from Singapore's Temasek fund. This among other operations being undertaken by these funds and now, in light of the flagrant failure of the financial market to solve the problems created in the context of deregulation, might be skillful and politically used to manage the flow behavior international investment.

Other important reforms that should implemented, is related to wage policies for senior executives. Emilio Ocampo argues that companies and banks must change their culture and compensation structure and bonds, since it is unlikely that these institutions can continue paying their executives and employees 50% of their income. Moore in the same direction requires that "no executive should be paid more than 40 times what their average employee earns." Moore's figures are shocking: in 1980, the average president of a company earned 45 times what they earned their employees in 2003 earned 254 times and now after the Bush era, charged 400 times, while in Britain, the president of an average company earns 28 times what a typical employee received in Japan and only 17 times. Conclusions

In an article by Victor Ramos, entitled "Right to food, right to rebel", it is argued that very recently, when the bombs fell on Iraq in March 2003, international stock markets, mainly European and Wall Street reacted with euphoria and this would have led to recognize leaders of the English Popular Party (PP), which Spain had lost a great opportunity to withdraw troops. The quest for exorbitant profits has brought the world to a grave setback in the structure of values \u200b\u200bthat guide human affairs and this has implications monumental by growing inequality, poverty and destruction of natural ecosystems on the planet, skyrocketing rate of pain and suffering of thousands of millions of people. When humanity to regain its center and restore certain values \u200b\u200band human virtues that have been sent to the penalty area during the last thirty years, most likely what is happening on Wall Street will be incorporated into the group of large disasters human history, as were the Nazi concentration camps, Stalinism, nuclear explosions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, AIDS, hunger, African and Latin American dictatorships among many others.

Meanwhile, while this crisis that is not as expected by the traditional left-wing thought as the "terminal crisis of capitalism", at least hopefully Ignacio Ramonet, an editor of Le Monde Diplomatique, is right when he argues that the collapse of Wall Street is comparable, in the financial sphere, to which was, on the geopolitical arena, the fall of the Berlin Wall, which would end the era that began with Ronald Reagan in 1981, ending the " golden age "of Wall Street. If this happens it would be quite an achievement and progress for humanity, but, as Paul Samuelson argues, everyone knows that today, the money used to buy votes legally. So the nuance realistic optimism with caution.

Marcel Claude, an economist


Ignacio Ramonet, The End of an era of financial capitalism.

Fernando A. Torres, Armageddon comes upon the "free market."

Michael Moore, How to fix the mess on Wall Street.

Leopoldo Abadía, La Crisis Ninja.

Victor Ramos, Right to food, right to rebel.

Alicia Girón and Eugenia Correa Global financial markets, deregulation and financial crisis.

Bank for International Settlements, BIS, Report No. 78.

Clara Elena Parra and Natalia Salazar, The Financial Crisis and the International Experience.

John Hoefle, The lesson of the Enron debacle: the regulation must be restored.

Emilio Ocampo, Requiem for Wall Street.

Ibrahim Warde, The "sovereign funds" absorb banks.

Lynn Walsh, Global economy: A crisis foretold.

Alicia Girón González, Financial Crisis: causes and effects.

Juan Torres López, Ten ideas to understand the financial crisis, its causes, perpetrators and their possible solutions.

Paul A. Samuelson, Bush and the current financial storms.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

South Park Online Subtitles

Neoliberal education reform and how to finance political irony to Mourn

( Published in The Counter August 6, 2008 )

about two years have passed so-called movement of the penguins, which manifestations secondary students opened a broad debate on the precariousness of basic and secondary education in Chile . Not surprisingly, the students have returned to the streets and demonstrations, and that the claims raised by these re- and remain a profit, the General Law of Education, the quality of education, full school day, school fee, among others. All this, despite the installation of the Presidential Advisory Council on Quality Education, pompously announced by Ms. Bachelet, who should have generated the appropriate proposals, but that only served to stop the student movement and not exceed great scourges of the educational system: financing, quality and equity.

is important to remember that one of the major problems facing the Chilean educational institutions is the bias that favors the replacement of public and private schools, which has resulted in the dismantling progressive of the former, the latter not supply them with adequate quality and results of fair coverage. For its part, the announced reforms and the educational framework agreement between the Government and the Right have failed to reverse this situation. As is known, the public system was built for about a century governments of all political and was a key factor in the progress and social transformation that the country experienced in the second half of the twentieth century. During the military dictatorship 1973/1990, underwent a severe decommissioning, which has only worsened during the governments of the Concertación.

One of the factors contributing to this situation is funding mechanism used, which, through subsidies per student, makes no distinction between public and private subsidized schools, helping to focus more resources on subsidized private schools end up being more competitive, attracting more tuition and, therefore increasingly enjoying the benefits granted to them by the state, although the north end of these schools is the profit of his supporters. That is, in large part, public resources for education have just finished helping to sustain the rates of return on investment in education.

None of this would be relevant whether or these significant changes had improved the quality of Chilean education. However, according to the TIMSS 2003 international test, applied to the knockout basis Chile averaged 387 in math, 5 points lower than before and far below the international average of 467. Just over countries like the Philippines, Botswana, Saudi Arabia, Ghana and South Africa. Science in Chile obtained 413 points, 7 points less than in 1999, while the international average was 474. Surpassed only in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Lebanon, Philippines, Botswana, Ghana and South Africa. In this international measure, from the meager results Chile decided to retire.

These transformations have done nothing to improve inequalities and have not contributed anything to be a mechanism for social mobility. The diagnosis of equity is as bad or worse in quality.

The same can be observed in relation to the results of the University Selection Test, for example, the 2007 results, only 1% of the children of lower-income families exceeded 700 points, while the children of high-income families this percentage reaches 16%. These figures show that the poor condition of exclusion in education are very poor, which does not occur with high-income students. Hence the system college selection is not only a reflection of social reality in the country, why in the latest proposal submitted by the secondary to the Ministry of Education last December, raised its eventual elimination and its replacement by a mechanism to consider school systems and scientific humanism.

and wrong in the same direction can consider other mechanisms such as indirect tax contribution (AFI) which is now a public policy as regressive, since the assumption of promoting academic excellence awards to institutions of higher education hosting students from higher socioeconomic strata, are those who scored better on the PSU and come to a time, private schools show better results historically SIMCE. A vicious circle has more than 30 years without breaking, inherited from the dictatorship and the Concertación has ratified. Just remember the demands of the side of the second half of the eighties which were neither more nor less than the same on 24 April, when students again took to the streets in cities across the country and received the usual repression police.

An explanation of the problem comes because of the importance of public education over private. It is more or less well known that private education is not geared to become an instrument of social justice and advancement. Highly developed countries maintain significant levels of public education as a percentage of national wealth, while in Chile, the importance of private education is almost the same as the public.

Obviously, this allows us to infer a direct relationship between public education and development of peoples. This is for the simple reason that the criteria for access to quality education in these countries, there are socio-economic categories, but the qualitative and quantitative improvement of human capital. In addition to the justice factor social development is the factor, ie, when the people want to develop must necessarily involve the whole society and improve their productive capacities and professional. When it puts profit as the rationale of education, in order to achieve better standards of development is inevitably postponed. This, the economists should know very well, because resources are scarce and it is not possible, in most cases, profit and ensure quality, social justice and profit, profit and development. Normally one should choose and when people are too affected by the asymmetries of power in favor of the elites and oligarchies, tend to favor profits over any other goal social. This is the case of Chile.

In our country, we spend approximately, according to the Ministry of Education, about 150 thousand dollars per pupil average monthly private education, where he studied no more than 8% of the students, while spending per pupil in the sector age amounts to no more than 30 thousand pesos a month. That is, there is a huge difference between 5 times the investment per pupil in the public sector's spending per student versus the private sector. 90% of Chilean children have access to a poor quality of education they receive.

For purposes of tying or seek a certain balance, it would take about 60 thousand pesos a month investment per student in the world of public education to achieve the minimum rank of private fees 90 000 pesos per month for 3 million 294 thousand students in the public system and / or subsidized.

The answer that always gives the authority is that Chile is a poor country can not afford such luxuries. Therefore do not expect but the fruits of economic growth. However, this increase would mean an annual investment sum of an additional $ 3,500 million, which is a lower figure compared to the wealth available in Chile, not only from the perspective of the profits of banking, capital and economic groups considerable gains of corporations, but also from the perspective of our rich natural resources, the use and exploitation in Chile, is the sole benefit of private national and transnational capital.

box then we can see that the application of royalties to the use of critical resources such as copper, water, forest resources that large companies operate almost free of charge, leaving a surplus of more than 8 billion dollars year. Consequently, given the available natural resource endowment, Chile may well have the necessary financial resources for educational reform to alter substantially the asymmetries quality, equity and financing that shows the Chilean educational system.

Remember that these resources belong to Chile and charging for the use of these resources is entirely a matter of equity trading, where they are supposed to provide some capital-in this case Chile and its resources should be rewarded the economic contribution that capital generates. Natural resources in Chile and its economic value, representing approximately one third of the sales value of these productive sectors, but given the power of capital and the political imbalance that showcases our country today, these economic values \u200b\u200bare intended to swell the profits capital, rather than be reassigned to the development of the country. This is what made countries like Norway, Finland and other OECD countries that achieved higher standards of development and that is what Chile can do, since their governments are prisoners of the political and economic power of the oligarchy.

development of peoples is a political issue, not technical and this development requires heavy investment, is not free. The people who have achieved have invested significant development resources on that policy goal. In Chile, the choice is an economy based primarily on exporting natural resources whose income is appropriated by the capital, where human capital formation is contrary to the type of system economic is installed, as well-educated people not only become critical and independent citizens, but also would raise wage levels, which would reduce the profitability of capital.

The crisis of education in Chile is not the result of a country that does not have the necessary financial resources, but rather of an oligarchy that tightly taking positions of command and control, is not prepared to compromise, or as less, the distribution of surplus production is the result of collective work of the Chileans, but that is appropriated by the elites, by the power it exhibits incontestable in socioeconomic and political space of the country.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How To Remove Nasal Polyp In Dogs

Paraguay in the Journey of Hope

( Published in The Counter July 15.2008)

In his most famous literary and historical, "The Open Veins of Latin America, Eduardo Galeano speaks once of Paraguay, which in its first years of independence from the English Empire, was the only country in South America that really touch the wings of freedom real and effective and, therefore, was crushed in the name of this curious and hypocritical free trade so much like entrepreneurs, oligarchs and capitalists. Paraguay was not dominated by the scourge of foreign debt since the end of English colonization in 1811, the Paraguayan State protectionism practiced to form a protective bar to its domestic industry and domestic market. He became the most advanced state of Latin America, as the British Empire in 1986 instigated the War of the Triple Alliance articulated to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, in order to end the Paraguayan experience that threatened to spread the region, making profits that "free trade" provided him with the British. War is remembered as the cruellest of Latin American history, because, after five years of carnage, left with life is barely one-sixth of its population. What follows is a liturgy thousand times repeated, to Paraguay were imposed draconian economic sanctions, had to cede part of its territory to other countries of the Triple Alliance and, of course, pay the debts of the war. Then, a country that had developed during 60 years without recourse to external debt, began to repeat the tragic history of the continent. Le

ignoble legacy of that war epic has been perpetuated until today. According to the "National Human Development Report 2008 Paraguay: Equity for Development", the high concentration of land indicates that 1% of the population has 77% of the land and income and the richest 10% takes 40% of the country's wealth. It is so little attention to the different sign oligarchic governments have given the poorest, Paraguay has one of the lowest social spending in the region, rising to 9% according to UNDP, This contrasts with 20% average for the countries of the region. It is also a country with a highly regressive tax system, since the maximum income tax reaches 10% when Argentina is 35%, 28% in Brazil, and Uruguay is 40%. For its part, extreme poverty will reach 20% of the population and 2.5 billion live on less than two dollars per day, ie 42% of the population. Other figures are more raw and speak more than 50% of the population living below the poverty line and 35% in absolute poverty. Unemployment is about 11% of the economically active population, while informal employment comprises about one quarter of the workers.

As every Latin American country, Paraguay is a victim of transnational capital to utilize in natural resources energy. In particular, has been severely affected, in hydro-sovereignty by the agreements that led to contracts Yacyretá Itaipu, signed by the Stroessner dictatorship in Brazil and Peron's Argentina. Both treaties Paraguay significantly harmed. In the Itaipu treaty states that the energy produced will be shared equally by each country, but also ensures each country to acquire the energy not used by the partner for its internal use. Obviously, as Paraguay consumes only 5% of the energy produced by Itaipu, is forced to sell the surplus to Brazil and values \u200b\u200bfar below market prices. The Yacyretá agreement with Argentina is very similar and harmful to Paraguay. According to figures provided by Lamarque Rebellion, the income received by the holding Paraguay Itaipu, are only 7.5% of market value.

This is the country with which we start trying Fernando Lugo, former Catholic Bishop of San Pedro, one of the poorest regions of the country, on August 15 next when it comes formally to the presidency of Paraguay. There are few hindrances or challenges facing your administration, despite its voluminous close to 41% victory over the Colorado Party candidate Blanca Oviedo (31%) and the former general Lino Oviedo (22%). Failure to obtain an absolute majority in Paraguay does not preclude the presidential elections because in the first round are decided by simple majority. Their participation in politics is very recent, only in late 2006 left the priesthood to get involved in politics, after 100 thousand signatures ordered him to make that choice. Surprise and change have been very significant and instructive for the Latin American region because he managed to form a coalition called the Patriotic Alliance for Change (APC) that include groups rather radical left and the Authentic Radical Liberal Party (PLRA), passing across the political spectrum. The political gestures very Lugo style of freshness and vitality that has always shown the Latin American region, ending the hegemony of the Colorado Party, which ruled without counterweight or alterations for 61 years.

So far, things go Lugo icing on the cake. In fact and according to a survey of business opinion Studies Office (GEO), commissioned and published by the newspaper The Republic of Peru, 59.7% of Paraguayans believe that your government will be good. Moreover, 14.8% believed that Lugo administration will be "very good." However, the same study conducted between June 20 and July 3 last, also indicates that 56.3% of respondents considered Lugo "will have it tough." Clearly, this perception is wrong. On the one hand, must deal with conflicts and contradictions of his own coalition government, the Patriotic Alliance for Change, which by their nature may appear politically multifaceted before long his government. In this regard the challenge is to consolidate the changes in the direction of democratization, social justice, transparency of the public system, the distribution of land and wealth, without necessarily find resistance within the Liberal factions his coalition. It would be unfair to the poor and marginalized for ever and America Paraguay Latin for balance, inner-the government of President Lugo to line up close to economic policies that have been practiced in Chile the governments of the Concertación, which have been a blow to the hopes and casual betrayal of the will popular.

However, the most dangerous for the future of Paraguay is the strong opposition that will be installed, and is classic in our America, employers, landlords and right-wing politicians who see their interests threatened with the sole choice of a man who is not their ranks. Not having yet formally assumed the presidency, these sectors of the oligarchy and should be planning their strategies. So they have always done in Latin America also supported the U.S. classical. In Chile went so far as to assassinate the commander of the Army for refusing to ignore the election results that led to the presidency of Chile, Salvador Allende. So also in Paraguay, the Colorado Party and their constituents-the landowning oligarchy and establish business-fierce opposition to the changes that are intended in Paraguay's Fernando Lugo.

Nothing less can we expect if we think that within the main tenets of his government are, first, a comprehensive agrarian revolution must necessarily affect the property land and, secondly, an economic recovery program linked to greater social justice, which necessarily should happen to increase public spending, the tax burden of the wealthiest and greater state interference in the Paraguayan economy. None of this is or will be liked by the business and landowning oligarchy that, obviously, will do everything possible to shut out the changes and dismay the Paraguayan economy and society. Some would go to the always well prepared "cooperation" U.S. to "secure peace and freedom" in America.

is no less the hope that rises in Paraguay and throughout Latin America's arrival as President of Paraguay Fernando Lugo. No less does not face resistance by employers and landowners, which will not look at costs or aberrant behavior to stop. What they do, have done a thousand times and will continue as they have been very successful at it. What we do not know and will be a mystery, strength, clarity and political savvy of Lugo, his coalition and the Paraguayan people to withstand the political attacks to come.

For those who dream of a great and generous America that embraces all children born in their land, the process starts to live in Paraguay, is all a sign of progress and hope we are confident that, as I said Salvador Allende, the great values \u200b\u200bof humanity will end eventually prevailed.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Homemade Gourmet Vs. Wildtree

The Failure of Minimum Wage Adjustment

( Posted in The Desk, June 27, 2008 )

It recently announced an agreement between the CUT and the government of Chile, read and Labour ministers, and Andrade Velasco respectively, relative to a minimum wage increase of 10.4%.

Every year, workers represented by Arturo Martinez complained of intransigence and ill treatment by authorities economic. This episode regular and permanent workers always go shorn, contrasts with the situation in the financial sector and corporations that have always had the backing and support of the Unidad de Fomento (UF) as a mechanism to protect their enormous profits During these past years. The situation gives

also think that there would have to redesign the way that the minimum wage is determined, in order to move to automatic indexation, at least the famous and controversial minimum wage, although it would be fair to apply automatic adjustments to all wages paid to contract workers.

worthy or not is just that while the banking and commercial companies automatically adjust their income to the CPI and thanks to the UF, workers must go through strenuous and often unworthy negotiation process to retrieve, to a lesser extent, the effect exerted on prices wages making them lose their purchasing power.

The evidence shows, moreover, that if anything has served to UF, has been to preserve the profits and gains, while wages are sinking into the dungeon of the devaluation. As is known, the UF is an economic recovery mechanism linked to consumer price index (CPI), which enables automatic and daily indexation -Depending on the CPI-all values \u200b\u200bexpressed in the famous UF. Ie it is a great way to hedge against the devaluation implies inflation.

Currently this is used predominantly in the financial sector are indexed so that all types of loans, mortgages and other contracts in the housing market, financial instruments and long-term government. There are also some types of income are indexed as alimony and some benefits of the social security system. At first the value of the UF was set three times a year, which showed a lag for the CPI. From year 1977 until today, the value of the UF is updated daily based on the CPI for last month.

Information is abundantly clear: financial indexation has fairly effectively fulfilled its objective of protecting the financial returns of inflation. Net income from financial institutions show a strong upward trend between 1990 and 2007, with a systematic increase of over 500% in the period, and these appear to be isolated from variations in the level of economic activity, so that declines in GDP growth are not reflected in similar declines in earnings of these institutions.

stresses, in this sense, they just have been adversely affected by the contraction of GDP in 1999, reducing its rate of growth only to quickly resume the course of accelerated growth have been presented to date. The same can be assessed on the banks that use financial indexation as a way to protect the returns on their loans. Again the net profits and rates of return appear to be isolated sector of the evolution of the entire economy.

Moreover, rates of return than banks several times (over 15%) of GDP growth in the period from 1999 to 2004. Is not unlike the general case of corporations. The Search data for the years 2002 to 2007 show a sustained growth of net profits by over 500% during the study period and again regardless of the level of economic activity, since hardly altered with decreases in productive activity country. Clearly, the introduction of financial indexation has been effective in preventing the erosion of purchasing power when income arising in the financial returns of the production factor capital.

However, for workers the story is the opposite sign. As is known, the year 1985, the labor market more flexible to the extent that the fixing of wages began to be subject to negotiation between the employer and the individual worker. From then until today the update of salary depending on the level of inflation is subject to the possibilities of workers to include clauses in their contracts indexing, mainly through the processes of negotiation and collective agreements.

The problem is that in Chile, the scope of these mechanisms is extremely limited, since between 1990 and 2007, the number of workers to collective bargaining is not enough to cover 15% of total employed workers.

This context of demobilization and low union participation illustrates the ineffectiveness of letting the workers themselves periodically for the negotiation of adjustment of wages according to the price variation. Unlike what was observed in respect of profits, wages have shown a tendency to fall.

The nominal wage growth was almost a decade of declines between 1995 and 2004, rising again to run in 2005. Only in 2007 will reach the level of growth experienced by the wages a decade earlier. In real terms, wage growth fell by half between 1995 and 2000, then stabilized and rising again recently in 2007 to the levels of a decade ago.

Contrary also to what happens with capital income, the trend in earnings growth shown in any single business cycle, but in the opposite direction to that presented by the utilities. Nominal wages are the downward course of economic activity between 1995 and 1999 but decline lasts for 5 years. While the course of GDP touches its lowest point in 1999 to begin a new uptrend since 2000, the rise in wages comes only in 2005. If you look at real wages, however, the trend is shown completely decoupled from the trend in economic activity, presenting a more moderate decline but also more persistent over time.

Such developments should be well understood by the trade unions and begin to come together to establish at least one indexing the minimum wage and not have to take every year humiliating and outrageous treatment to undergo successive finance ministers to workers.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Why Does My Underwear Get Tight

A Hundred Years of the Birth of Salvador Allende

( Posted in The Desk, June 11, 2008 )

On December 4, 1972, the then president of Chile, Salvador Allende, had the opportunity to appear before the UN General Assembly in New York and to report on the country chairing. Many things have changed over the last 35 years but others are very similar and even, in some cases, has widened the gap between the desirable and the harsh reality.

As for the negative changes, an update to 2008 I should say, for example: "I come from Chile, a small country, in which any citizen today is no longer free to express themselves as best choice, with a disturbing intolerance cultural, religious and ideological, where racial discrimination has no place. A country with an atomized working class and poor in different unions, where universal suffrage and secret, is becoming less participatory and more and more the vehicle to enshrine a political regime inclusive, with a parliament which suffered a severe disruption in its operation since its establishment 196 years ago and remains a limited power and questionable representativeness popular, where the courts are not independent of the Executive and the economic and military. A country which since 1981 has created a charter according to the needs of an oligarchy represented in the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and supported by Presidents Aylwin, Frei Ruiz-Tagle, Lagos and Bachelet, whose public life is organized civil institutions under the supervision of the Armed Forces, with an extremely limited democratic spirit. A country of about seventeen million people in the past 30 years there has been no Nobel prize for literature, as if they did Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda, both sons of modest workers a less pretentious and arrogant Chile but also more humane and noble. "

Following the same line of argument, today is not possible to say that the people of Chile "is fully delivered to the task of establishing economic democracy, so that economic activity responds to needs and expectations, and not the profit interests particular. " Less could be added that "workers are displacing the privileged sectors of political and economic power, both in work centers, as in the municipalities and the state. " Rather we should say that the process in the country is completely opposite and not be directed, then held Allende, towards overcoming the capitalist system, even worse, capitalism is consolidating more and more savage and ruthless.

In his speech applauded, Allende stated the need to serve the enormous needs of the Chilean people, all of our economic resources, which according to him was directly related to the recovery of the dignity of Chile. To Salvador Allende, we should end up with a situation in which we, Chileans, squirming against poverty and stagnation, we had to export huge amounts of capital for the benefit of the most powerful economy in the world, so that the nationalization of basic resources was a historical claim. Our economy could no longer tolerate the subordination implied to have more than 80% of exports in the hands of a small group of large foreign companies that had always prefix their interests to the needs of countries which were operating profit .

could not accept the scourge of large estates, commercial and industrial monopolies, credit for the benefit of a few nor brutal inequalities in income distribution. This fact denounced by President Allende, has not changed significantly and has even worsened, since today's monopolies and concentration of wealth is even worse than then, so also the land and major natural resources remain usufruct of transnational capital and national economic groups.

regard to copper, Allende claimed that "only in the last forty-two years away, in that period, more than four billion dollars in profit ...." How much more should not be shocked today when only In 2006, multinational companies that exploit the Chilean copper took the modest sum of 20 billion dollars. At that time, Allende comparing figures and asked to keep in mind that only a fraction of that amount would be secured forever proteins all Chilean children. With respect to amounts drawn foreign capital today we can say, as Allende did that for years could ensure an appropriate education for all children in Chile. The trouble is that this not only applies to copper, but also to water, soil, and all fisheries and forest resources available to the country for its development.

At that time, as Allende today, we can say that "Chile is also a country whose economy is alienated to foreign capitalist enterprises ..., a country with an economy highly sensitive to the external environment, where millions of people have been forced to live in conditions of exploitation and misery of open or disguised unemployment. "

A much has come back to Chile in almost every aspect even today are still valid conclusions de Allende, when referring to the Chilean people as politically mature. Today is just the opposite, because as people exhibit a political immaturity that prevents capital from lack of practice, reflective capacity, neglect, mediocrity, laziness, and even superior, active and determined to deal with looting, theft and all kinds of abuses that we are victims.

today's tragic that Allende's speech ovation, also extends to the consequences which he announced as a result of the globalization process and are now becoming increasingly apparent, when he held that the outlook for Chile, as for other countries Third World were simply doomed to exclude the possibilities of progress, welfare and social liberation more and more millions of people, relegating them to a subhuman life.

Still, as much as we trust Beyond that the great values \u200b\u200bof humanity will prevail and not be destroyed.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Friday, June 6, 2008

How To Make A Ceiling Curtain Rod

"Sale of VAT or fuel taxes? Address

( Published In Strategy June 6, 2008 )

The union of truckers once again in the story makes tuning the foundations of the palace of La Moneda. The threat of unemployment was running at the palace officials, including the Queen to stop the impending protest action. This is a sign that the famous specific tax on fuel is left very little life and eventually go away. However, whatever the justice of the demands of the truckers, I must ask the effectiveness of this measure to solve the problem of fuel. First, it is important to understand that the price of oil is rising and is not spring from the government of Chile to avoid it. What could be done and not done for the country reduce dependence on petroleum as the main, is a long-term policy that had anticipated. It preferred to leave everything to the market and we know that private investors will only invest in businesses round with short-term gains imminent. The consequences were entirely predictable and are now beginning to spend the account.

The problem is that truck drivers demanding the elimination of the specific tax on fuel. This is favoring the more affluent sectors of the country, and that, having increased energy consumption per person, are especially beneficial owner of the elimination of this tax. It also worsens the problem of air quality by encouraging car use. A more effective mechanism that will ensure a stable price increases medium-term prospective controlled before they could be absorbed, by the population, with reductions in the value added tax that is most damaging to the pocket poorest. If a kilo of bread costs a thousand dollars, in just over two months, a poor family gives the State the 20 pesos it given as bonus compensation for the increases in the cost of living. If we consider a family with an income of 100 pesos a month, of which there are many-who spends all their income on VAT products affected in only one month will give the State what he brings back from time to time as the maximum expression of generosity and social commitment.

If indeed this government had social sensitivity, would fall by as VAT and tax would raise significantly the profits of big business, but that would mean another government and another Chile.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What Does Your Pointer, Middle And Pinky Mean

May 21: Municipal Finance

( Strategy Published in Journal May 23, 2008 )

do not know what was more predictable the last May 21 "the presidential address or the reaction of the political class? The truth is that both overpost not left the script that we have, rather than saturated, the selection of figures called "political class." The Coordination mass fixer speech and almost mathematically Alliance to lash with all the power and energy. Both coalitions were absent for reasons not to do what they did, it is clear that "no reason for any accommodations, but reasons were much more than electoral and ideological opportunism is only part of the play of the current Chilean politics.

my interest not to applaud the actors involved or to comment on which of the two sides had the best theatrical performance. As fair, in my opinion, is to look at the founding of the speech substrate, the design of profiles and shapes society and independent of the carve-up and benefits that some will progress, and I have no doubt that no letter or word or phrase by Dr. Bachelet is not a scream from the rooftops that in Chile things are not going to change. Salmon dedicated to offering, this time supported to overcome the health crisis they face. Unqualified support to the hydroelectric project that are necessary Aysén to give effect to the energy demand of export development. Resources -40 million dollars for the country's image and thereby strengthen Chilean exports are mainly large companies that do not exceed 1% of them.

For the middle class and poor as usual, words of good breeding and placebo effect. Grant to purchase electric motors for SMEs; free PSU, personal computers for poor children featured; bond of 20 thousand dollars for poor pensioners, and so on.

Not that I look bad this kind of royalty, the welcome and much-but they do not change the character of the country project that we have submitted and that is why this piece of speech is but a guarantee that there is nothing to expect from this government. Only three things to include: maintaining the educational model embodied in the LGE that guarantees profits in education, recognition of the need to improve the conditions in which workers negotiate but nothing more than words, and in the municipal budget will continue the problem the vast inequality.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Blue Dots On A Pregnancy Test

perfectly predictable, Mirror of Injustice in the World Hunger

( Posted in The Desk, May 16, 2008 )

There is some agreement that the municipalities are an ideal forum for the achievement of public policy, because they are an organization nearby public to the needs of citizens. However, the way they can achieve their objectives, it is similar for all groups. In our country, the financing of municipalities is an unresolved issue that causes much perception of abuse and injustice and, indeed, natural classification is common among rich and others poor municipalities. In the current scenario, it is obviously not an issue to be negligible because the level of responsibilities they face in areas as diverse as education or health, waste collection or repair of roads, etc..

If we consider that within the existing 345 municipalities, there a significant proportion-about 48% - which is below the national average of resources per capita, then the situation is not at all satisfactory. For example, Vitacura municipality with a population of 82 000 inhabitants, has a budget of over 31 billion pesos, instead Quillota, commune of the fifth region, with 83 thousand inhabitants, has a budget of 4 000 890 million pesos, or put another way, Vitacura being 6.3 times more than Quillota. And the latter must address three times the number of students that the community of the metropolitan area. In that same scenario and worse, there Alhué communes as in 2006 had no equity to make investments in its territory. These inequalities become a very complex problem, particularly in the case of poor communes, considering the very high amounts to be spent on education and health.

figures regarding municipal expenditure that can be analyzed from another angle in order to show how far we are from the development goals that we like to profess. Taken together, the municipalities manage financial resources constitute approximately 2.8% of GDP and only 13% of government spending in general. A far cry from what happens in European countries, in which the percentage local average is 43% of which is government spending. In Sweden, for example, the figure climbs to over 60%. For its part, South and Central America the average is 16.5%. In this regard Bolivia has a stake of 18.3%. Chile is far from these percentages, despite the political importance and relevance to publicly assigned to municipalities. Again, there is no agreement between what is postulated as of major importance and the resources available to do so.

And while it has developed tools that have allowed provide more resources to the municipalities, such as the Municipal Common Fund, it is not used in their full potential as it currently is 520 billion pesos approximately, which is wholly inadequate given the pressing needs they face, especially the poorest. In addition, the fund mainly comes from communal resources, for example, land tax and / or vehicle licenses, and very little central government, so it is a way to share the best distribute poverty or misery. Worse still, to this fund are commonly called rich-give-in percentages almost the same as poor communes, while the land tax all municipalities must spend 60%, Santiago, Providencia, Las Condes and Vitacura must contribute 65% . In terms of distribution This fund critics point to the lack of objective criteria and in accordance with the real vulnerability of communities.

Then, when questioned harshly acidic or municipal function or its results, it should consider the enormous responsibilities, functions and tasks to be met by municipalities, while the poor reception of resources, considering all of these - and the unimportance of municipal funds in relation to the central government's overall expenditure. In short, lasa decentralize responsibilities but not the resources available, which leads to the worst of all worlds since no one is ultimately responsible for meeting the needs of population. The government has the resources but not the responsibilities and the municipality has responsibilities but not resources. Result: frustration, poverty, injustice and central government as increasingly wealthy do not spend the proceeds of taxes and transfers that are public companies such as Codelco. At this point the lock is very clever in reducing or maintaining controlled spending. The problem is that so things are moving very little and inadequate educational, health or infrastructure are still procrastinating.

If we decentralize, is not enough that the central government to jettison its responsibilities, should also allocate resources to the municipalities to meet their obligations. Indeed, this is required by law. The development also involves, as we have seen, the greater availability of resources spent locally and not centrally.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Umbilical Hernia Recovery Constipation

( Published in The Counter May 5, 2008 )

According to the international organization Action Against Hunger, a food crisis that emerges from the large increase in the price of basic foods, raw way affect cruel and more than 850 million people, mainly in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, who are hungry in the midst of plenty and waste resource that allows the highly developed world. Moreover, the World Bank itself, through its current president, Robert Zoellick, called for a coordinated global action to counter the effects of food crisis, since the increase in food prices is causing food shortages, hunger and malnutrition around the world. According to the World Bank are 33 countries in the world who face the possibility of a social and political crisis due to high food prices and energy.

The situation is critical and has not received, as expected, the news coverage that a problem of this magnitude require. The situation is so acute that from the World Food Program (WFP) warns that food reserves in the world are at the lowest level of the last 30 years and threatens 100 million people who are "the poorest of the poor "and that also affect the ability to respond to rising energy prices and fertilizer over 500 million rural poor. Some international analysts say could simply be the price of rice rising by 52% in two months and cereals by 84% in four months against a backdrop of rising oil prices, to precipitate a two billion of people to the poverty threshold. This has led to the secretary general of UN, Ban Ki-Moon, to argue that he feared a "cascading crises" that affect the growth and security of the world if the crisis of food prices "is not maintained in a right and urgent. "

probably not easy to clearly understand a situation like this, but the numbers are so clear and obvious that it is not necessary to be an expert in the field to look out the seriousness of the problem. Approximately 50% of humanity lives on less than two dollars a day and nearly a billion on less than a dollar a day. We're talking about an astronomical figure of people in very precarious conditions, about three and a half billion people-who live in poor countries and that, on average, spend 75% of its budget on food, while in rich countries this type of expenditure does not exceed 15%. So if we know that in poor countries, wheat, soybeans, rice and maize are the foundation of your diet and you also know that in the past 12 months, the price of wheat rose 130%, soy 85 % and maize 35%, while the rice is made by 71%, we will not be surprising that today the world faces a serious food crisis. The price of rice in a few months spent $ 300 a ton to $ 1,200. The World Food Program (WFP) evaluated in a 55% increase in food prices since June 2007 and some experts estimate that this figure reaches 70%.

These figures, however hard and cold look like, we can explain the outbursts of violence that have occurred throughout the planet, especially with 5 dead in Haiti, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Cameroon with 40 dead, Mauritania , Mozambique, Senegal, Uzbekistan and Yemen. In Haiti, the crisis brought down Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis, who was ousted by the Haitian Senate in a dramatic attempt to stop the violent protests of the population with many facilities were looted, burned and destroyed due to the increase in food prices. An example that illustrates the delicate situation is what happens in El Salvador, where according to the World Food Program, rural communities are buying 50% less food than 18 months, which means that their nutritional intake is already poor, has been cut in half. The situation is more complicated because it is reaching the highly developed countries, whose people are now investing 5% of their income on food purchases. United States, the world's largest consumer, is experiencing the worst hike in food prices in nearly two decades, including some large retail chains like Wal-Mart and Cotsco have rationed the sale of certain products like rice. To make matters worse, the United Nations warned that the rising price of staples may continue until 2010.

So, in the Philippines, Pakistan and Thailand as hosts monitored to prevent theft and looting in grain storage facilities and Thailand, the Army stands guard in the fields of rice, while Vietnam has been increasingly strikes more frequent food shortages. Indonesia, third largest producer of rice, announced that only allow exports if reserves exceed three million tons and Kazakhstan suspended all wheat exports until September 1. For its part, Argentina, Vietnam and Russia have also restricted exports of wheat, rice and soybeans to meet the domestic market.

Among the causes of the current food crisis, the British medical journal Lancet, noted the effects of climate change, agricultural subsidies and, above all, the massive use of food products to produce the so-called biofuels. Indeed, the adverse conditions of climate change, among which include flash floods or prolonged droughts, prevent an increase in the production of cereals and grains, while the demand caused by global population growth does not stop. Moreover, the growing demand countries such as China and India for quality food, has an impact not less than the increase in demand for grains, for example in China, per capita demand for meat from 20 to 50 kilos per year, which greatly impacts the cereal requirements as to increase production of meat, you need to increase the consumption of these products by livestock. In turn, the need to reduce dependence on oil has led to the reassignment of important food products to the production of so-called biofuels, currently being used about 100 million tons of grain per year to make ethanol or biodiesel.

Certainly the issue of biofuels is highly controversial, since in some cases, when it comes to the use of grains such as corn and wheat are the power base of billions of people-usually the poorest, is a real contradiction of ethics and, as production of salmon that destroys a natural fish biomass almost ten times the size of salmon production, should be promoted worldwide moratorium that prevented the use of critical resources such as fish biomass and grain reserves to sustain the lucrative business salmon and multinationals such as Monsanto which, worldwide impact and so gravitated in the production and disposition of grains like corn. Not remembering that with current oil prices, the incentive to reallocate the grains to the production of these biofuels grows in direct proportion to the increase in oil prices. In this regard, consider that a barrel of OPEC crude has hit the $ 111, the Brent North is the reference in Europe, and traded in London at $ 117, and Texas, the U.S. benchmark, reached in New York $ 120. Indeed, multinational companies like Monsanto, responsible for terrible Agent Orange and the proliferation of PCB's and dioxin in the world will not have ethical troubles when threatening than 850 million hungry people in the world if a lot of money involved. The problem that biofuels are causing was even highlighted by the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who considers it necessary to remedy the recent rise in food prices and the international community should consider the impact it is having on this issue the production of biofuels.

No less important in explaining the current food crisis is the agricultural policy followed by the highly developed countries. The chairman of the IMF, Dominique Strauss, displaying the ideological bias of the organization, said that the sudden crisis food, which has increased more in countries of Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, is due to trade policies and subsidies that rich countries give their farmers. Although it is put into question the IMF's ideological obsession that seeks to demolish any form of taxes and subsidies, it should not segarnos to the enormous impact it can have on the world economy, especially in poor countries, more than 300 billion dollars annually spent by rich countries (EU, Japan, South Korea, the U.S. and Canada) to subsidize their agricultural producers. This represents approximately 30% of production value and in these circumstances business no stamina. This will not do or can do in developing countries is rightfully unfair competition affecting the poorest of the poor of the world, which is further aggravated when many times, the so-called development aid is to deliver supplies these foodstuffs to poor countries, helping to remove and destroy the traditional production of these peoples. Many times the development aid is used as an excuse for grants to support policies that make rich countries to their farmers. The political hypocrisy is not unique to the Third World.

Not a few experts argue that food aid policies of rich countries, where production is subsidized-changed in the last six decades the eating habits and destroyed the local agricultural production of villages in Africa and the Caribbean. Vandana Shiva-recognized leader of the Third World, blamed the World Bank and IMF for the destruction of traditional farming systems of poor countries, thanks to development projects and structural adjustment policies, were forced to cease production of grains, to rely on exports of flowers, exotic fruits and vegetables, as well as biofuels. All these products are destined for markets in industrialized countries are who hoard the wealth of the world. African and Caribbean stopped eating tubers such as cassava or sweet potatoes and other roots that were produced locally and formed the basis for food before they were introduced, as development aid, wheat, rice and maize. In Haiti, the U.S. imported rice at subsidized prices replaced the tubers, roots and local production, and in some African countries, it is cheaper to import grain and onions from France to be produced locally, which contributes to dependency and the inability of poor countries to develop its food industry.

This critical situation facing the world has been ratified on April 15 in Johannesburg, South Africa, at a meeting of governments and scientists in the world, sponsored by the UN and the World Bank where he unveiled the report of the ASSESSMENT PANEL OF INTERNATIONAL KNOWLEDGE, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (IAASTD), which demands a radical change in the form of agricultural production. In that report, forecast the serious conflicts that involve the current food shortages and dramatic, we question the green revolution based on the intensive use of pesticides and fertilizers, and genetically modified organisms and emphasizes the need to promote and strengthen small-scale agriculture as the only viable solution to the crisis. IAASTD director Robert Watson, said: "Business as Usual is Not an option," saying that the way the world currently facing food shortages, will not solve the problem of hunger, or poverty or the environmental crisis experienced by the planet. The report, conducted by a group of 400 researchers worldwide, was adopted by 55 countries and only the U.S., Canada and Australia expressed reservations, while some OECD countries rejected the question of agricultural subsidies.

The problem is posed and appeared as a pest and is a long latent expected to politicians in the world, are able to take this challenge on the scale and size as appropriate.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Are Blisters On My Hip Herpes

I like

( Published in The Nation, April 29, 2008 )

about two years have passed so-called movement of the penguins, which manifestations secondary students opened a broad debate on the precariousness of basic and secondary education in Chile. Not surprisingly, the students have returned to the streets and demonstrations, and that the claims raised by them become and remain profit, the General Law of Education, quality of education, the full school day, school fee, among others. All this, despite the installation of the Presidential Advisory Council on Quality Education, pompously announced by Ms. Bachelet, who should have generated the appropriate proposals, but that only served to stop the student movement and not exceed great scourges of the educational system: financing, quality and equity. And yet also, that the issue is currently before Parliament, although there appears to be an intention to advance its pipeline. In this scenario

operating under the existing logical question in May 2006, the expectation is that gaps education accrue, for example, the results of the PSU 2007, only 1% of the children of lower-income families exceeded 700 points, while the children of high-income families this percentage reaches 16 %. These figures show that the poor condition of exclusion in education are very poor, which does not occur with high-income students. Hence the college selection system is not only a reflection of social reality in the country, why in the latest proposal submitted by the Ministry of Education side last December, raised its final disposal and replacement for a mechanism to consider school systems and scientific humanism.

and wrong in the same direction can consider other mechanisms such as indirect tax contribution (AFI) which is now a public policy as regressive, since the assumption of promoting academic excellence awards to institutions of higher education hosting students from higher socioeconomic strata, which are those who obtained better results from the PSU and at the same time, private schools that historically shown better results in SIMCE. A vicious circle has more than 30 years without breaking, inherited from the dictatorship and the Concertación has ratified. Just remember the demands of the side of the second half of the eighties which were neither more nor less than the same on 24 April, when students again took to the streets in cities across the country and received the usual repression police.

since May 2006 has been two years of unnecessary steps, where, contrary to what was proposed in May of 68 French students of our own have been realistic because they have asked only possible, but in Chile, the possible is impossible. It is politically absurd to blame the student movements of the little progress achieved as if it were not for these, the advisory board Bachelet appointed sesionaría education at the tomb of former dictator. Let's be honest, neither the government nor the opposition have tried to modify the regulatory framework of the dictatorship. The solution exists and is as old as the Old Europe, that we all love to imitate, and facing the problem with large public investments financed by a tax system which taxes most those who have more and larger companies.

Then, we will not be surprising that students return to take to the streets to complain about a serious country that has tried to present as settled or in process of solution, which is the false image that they wanted to close the revolution penguin, 2006. Also it should not be surprising in light of what happens in Parliament, as the project is in the Congress considers only part of the claims and makes no substantive changes to the system requires. A make-up, among many, thanks to which, stylists of the Coalition and the Alliance has achieved international recognition.

Marcel Claude, an economist.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Does Scope Get You Drunk

Students New Students In SalmonChile and Homeland

(Published in Strategy Journal April 25, 2008)

Almost two years of secondary manifestations of the movement opened a debate on the precariousness of basic and secondary education in Chile, it should surprise that the issues raised by them become and remain profit, the General Law of Education, the quality of education, full school day, among others. That is the same from a couple of years, despite the installation of the Presidential Advisory Council on the Quality of Education should have generated the appropriate proposals, but that only served to stop the student movement and do not overcome the great evils educational system: financing, quality and equity.

Each year the gaps in education, the same as reflected in almost all areas-are increased, for example, the results of the 2007 PSU only thing that showed was that the poor condition of exclusion in education have been very poor, which does not occur with high-income students. Hence the college selection system is not only a reflection of social reality in the country.

In the same context, one can consider issues such as indirect tax contribution (AFI) which is now a public policy as regressive, since the assumption of promoting academic excellence awards to institutions of higher education welcome students from higher socioeconomic strata, which are those that scored better on the PSU and come at a time, private schools historically showing the best results in SIMCE. A vicious cycle that has more than 30 years without breaking. Just remember the demands of the side of the second half of the eighties which were neither more nor less than the same day again yesterday when students took to the streets.

Two lost years of expansion, which were not considered important proposals and alternatives that in some European countries, the ones that we like to imitate, deal with a substantial public investment and a regressive tax system does not represent a high percentage of GDP. We wonder the students return to take to the streets claim for something that is presented as fixed, that is the false image that closed the penguin revolution of 2006. A far cry from the precarious reality of Chilean education.

Marcel Claude, an economist.